
- Geotools: http://geotools.codehaus.org/Module+Matrix


- degree: http://wald.intevation.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/docs/documentation/crs/?root=deegree
(I hope that is the correct link)
have projection functions

I know this as we, from OpenJUMP, ponder with an implementation of those - probably the latter one. Meanwhile we have only this plugin-workaround:

but to write back to oracle is probably a difficult part too?


Davis Ford wrote:
Martin / Larry - thanks for the info.

Any tips / pointers / clues on how to do the projection /
re-projection using the JTS API?


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Martin Davis <mbda...@refractions.net> wrote:
(I'm posting this to the JTS list, since it's really a JTS question)

This seems to be geodetic month for JTS!

Answers to your questions:

1. JTS is not "coordinate system-aware", and does not use the SRID in its
calculations.  So you can set it or not, and it won't make any difference

2. JTS assumes that the coordinates of geometries are located in an infinite
Cartesian (flat) 2D coordinate system.  All quantities (length, area,
distance, angle, etc) are relative in this coordinate system.   So since you
are providing your input in decimal degrees, those are the units that the
buffer distance must be expressed in.  Of course, this doesn't work all that
well for large distances in a geodetic (ellipsoidal) coordinate system - the
computed geoemtry will be only an approximation to the true shape.

What people often do is project their geodetic data to a local planar
projection, compute there, and then reproject.  There's been a bit of a
thread about this on the JTS list recently.  (No code, though - which would
be nice to have).

As you point out, Oracle appears to do the "right thing" in this case -
kudos to them.  They seem to seamlessly blend geodetic and planar data
handling, which is certainly nice to have.  Maybe one day JTS will support
this - but it's complex to implement.

Davis Ford wrote:

If I have an Oracle table with an SDO_GEOMETRY column, and I insert a
point into it - example:

1), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-82.90755596903085, 42.40409951227155))

Then I can use the SDO_GEOM.SDO_BUFFER function to get a buffer around
it (and specify the units in miles) ->

// 1.5 miles, 0.5 tolerance
SELECT SDO_GEOM.SDO_BUFFER(a.geometry, 1.5, 0.5, 'unit=mile') geom
FROM MY_TABLE a.id = 1;

Simple enough, but how do I do the same thing in JTS?  If I try the

Geometry point = new WKTReader().read("POINT(-82.90755596903085

// question1: should I set the SRID?  Oracle uses 8307 for WGS:84, but
JTS seems to ignore SRID in calculations, is this true?

// question2: what units does buffer take? I make the assumption of
meters, but this is wrong

// try converting 1.5 miles to meters
double meters = 2414.016
Geomtry buffer = point.buffer(meters);

This is very wrong since it gives me polygon with coordinates that are
outside -180/180, -90/90.  Do I assume then that buffer takes radians
I guess?

I'm just trying to accomplish the same thing I can do in Oracle above with

Thanks in advance,

Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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