It's almost done, actually - so if you have a definite use case for it,
that would be great.
Do you have examples of input data that caused problems with the
existing code? It would be nice to be able to test my code against them.
Also, how does the current OJ code "close off" or bound the constructed
Voronoi diagram? Do you give it a bounding box, or is there some other way?
Stefan Steiniger wrote:
Hei Martin,
> Voronoi polygons are in the works - hopefully to be finalized this
oh wow! that would be great to have - so I can replace the Thiessen
polygon stuff in OpenJUMP (which had some flaws for certain point
configurations). However if it needs more time, thats fine too :)
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022
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