On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Martin Davis<mbda...@refractions.net> wrote:
> See http://tsusiatsoftware.net/jts/main.html for a link to the download site
> on Sourceforge.  The most current download archive will have all the source
> in it.

I checked out the source from CVS, which should hopefully be the
latest.  Thanks for the pointer to the polygonizer as that is very
similar to what I want to do.

Essentially I have a set of LineStrings that represent a road network.
 I want to convert that to a planar graph so that I can guide an agent
through the network; i.e., have it navigate along LineStrings and then
use the network to select the next path in the route.  It looks like
I'll have to write up a LineString equivalent of the polygonizer from
scratch as I do not see that that functionality already exists in JTS.
 (Admittedly I might have missed such in my first pass through the CVS
incarnation of the source.)


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