Hi Martin

> @Michael: thx for the link to the Pragmatic site.  They sound very
> encouraging.  Now all I have to do is to write 20 pages of the book to show
> them...   8^)

I'd be more than happy to comment on anything you write. I don't have
any experience with writing a book, other than watching colleagues
labour over their own book projects (and yes, it is a BIG task), but
I've written many papers, articles, presentations etc and done a lot
of scientific reviewing and editing.

Another nice thing about the Pragmatic model is that once you get most
chapters up to draft stage you can put the manuscript up as a 'beta
book'. People can then make an advance purchase which entitles them to
get each manuscript update, and the final book. They can then submit
comments, errata and suggestions via the publishers site for you to
work with.  I've recently did this myself with Terence Parr's new book
about ANTLR...


Readers comments on the manuscript go to this page...

(it was a much longer list while the book was in progress)

You have the advantage of many proof-readers plus you can assess and
adjust your assumptions about the level of knowledge and areas of
interest of your audience.

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