But I don't consider the Eclipse WTP a rigth tool for the management of
the jUDDI, and also, I see the WTP very limited.
Im expecting some console like the previous version of jUDDI.


From: Rishi Cherukuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 8:41 AM
To: juddi-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: new to JUDDI


I think you could also try using Eclipse WTP as suggested in the Getting
Started PDF.

And just to add about my environment,I'm using Weblogic Workshop (based
on eclipse 3.2).

I'm using Tomcat 5.0.28 and MySQL 5.0 on Windows XP.



On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Diaz, Augusto (GE Comm Fin, non-ge)

        Im having the same issues than Rishi Cherukuri, I recently
installed juddi in JBoss, but currently I cant publish any WSDL service.
I have tried Uddi Browser from http://www.uddibrowser.org/
<http://www.uddibrowser.org/>  but that tool doesnt work well. Im also
testing with a browser from Novel
egistry_Browser> , but Im not sure if that tool is rigth for production
        I really need an advice of wich tool is better and where to find
more documentation of jUDDI.
        Thanks in advance


        From: Rishi Cherukuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 12:11 AM
        To: juddi-user@ws.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject: Re: new to JUDDI
        Sorry I was on Vacation for 2 days, so the delayed reply.
        yes I was aware of this link that you had provided, would like
to reiterate that after doing all as suggested by the document.
        But seems like the document looks like an older version where it
states the users are to be configured using juddi-user.xml where as I
have juddi.users.
        This is how I configured it:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <user userid="sviens" password="password" />
          <user userid="juddi" password="admin" />
        But still there is no sign of getting the "Administer jUDDI"
link work for me.But I'm able to see the happyjuddi.jsp being displayed
without any errors.
        By the way, the version of Juddi that I'm working on is 0.8.Hope
I'm going to get help sooner.
        On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:24 AM, Kurt T Stam

                Hi Rishi,
                Does this link help?

                Rishi Cherukuri wrote:

                        Hi All,
                        I'm new to using JUDDI, I would like to use it
as a registry for publishing my services and later use it for finding
                        I could not get any documents that could help me
doing this.
                        I was able to configure the JUDDI, but  unable
to see the admin link (I had uncommented the relevant section in
                        Could some one provide me any kind of documents
and sample Java code to help me reaching my objective?
                        Thanks in Advance.
                        Warm Regards,
                        Rishi Cherukuri.

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