冯威 wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Vincent. I am a undergraudate from china and I am new to
> juddi. Recently i have to implement the backend of juddi using OpenDS,
> a Sun's open source directory server. I searched from google and found
> a developer used to submit a zip file on this issue 2004, but now I
> cannot download the file from
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JUDDI-16. Could you send it to
> me? Any help would be appreciate!
> Yours sincerely
> Vincent
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Hi Vincent,

I'm glad you're interested in the jUDDI project, and we'll try helping
you as much as possible.

1. What is the issue with downloading the patch artifacts? They are
simply http links..

2. Are you going to attempt this for the jUDDI v2 or jUDDI v3 codebase?
The patch was created for the jUDDI v2 codebase.



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