I find it hard to imagine why I would ever want to use something like this
when there are so so many free and open alternatives.
Can someone give me an example where this would fit a need?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Colson
Sent: 1/20/03 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: [jug-discussion] prevalence layer (prevayler)

> This is a persistence layer that, guess what, persists your objects 
> without a database. Very interesting. Has anyone heard of or 
> used this  yet?
Yes, I ran across it a few months ago and my workgroup had some
discussion on the topic.

IIRC we came to a few conclusions:
1) interesting idea for small to medium-ish datasets (but unclear how to
scale to datasets larger than available RAM) 
2) untested for clusters, and potentially resource wasteful (dupe
datasets eating dupe memory)
3) project looks like the effort of one person 
4) minimal documentation (I see that months later, the link to the
Tutorial still hasn't been re-written)
5) features of a DB beyond simple persistence that might need to be
re-created (ex. full-text searches, referential integrity - some folks
didn't trust the java dev to maintain this in the object graph itself
for various reasons)
6) not as many tools available (ex. reporting)

Summary - it's an interesting idea, but we decided to stick with an


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