I think Rick is too far out on the bleeding edge. Here's a
couple that I think are pretty good right now:

Web Services Essentials by Ethan Cerami (O'Reilly, 2002, Lobster on cover)
this one is not quite reference but it's a pretty concise overview of the technologies.

AXIS: Next Generation Java SOAP by Romin Irani &
S. Jeelani Basha (Wrox, 2002, Author dude's giant face on cover
(jeesh...why would any non-egomaniac want to do this?)).

p.s. Rick -- couldn't get your link to work for me.

At 10:33 PM 2/5/2003 -0500, Rick wrote:
Wait... Most of the books are too outdated.

Also, I can loan you some of the Web service books that I have.

I'd wait until


comes out.

Just go through the Axis documentation.

Also there is this great new tutorial series coming out soon that is free.
I'll send you the link if I can find it.

--Rick Hightower

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