> So I think in general, if we have a choice between a vendor 
> presentation and something else, then the non-vendor 
> presentation should be the preference.

I'd prefer to have both - not an either/or choice. :-)

Vendor shows up, brings food or freebies, and gets a small amount of our
time.... then we have an [optional] mini-topic before the main topic.
(Or possibly MAIN then MINI like last month if that seems better).

> However, if there is no choice but a vendor presentation, 
> does it matter how long it goes (esp. if they bring food)?

For me, it does, even with food! :-) 

I went to the Tucson Tech-Oasis meeting, because I incorrectly thought
"Nanotechnology Cluster" meant either a wee-tiny group of small devices
or possibly a computing-cluster solving nanotech problems.

It was neither. First a super-short preso explaining that the Nanotech
Cluster is a group of folks with business interest based on nanotech

That was okay, but a long preso followed to show the new website, and
turned into a demo of a tool built by a company to facilitate web-site

In other words - it was a thinly disguised product demo... with food.
I have better things to do with my time, friends. ;-)

> Is there a check box in the survey for that?
Other :-)


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