Yeah, I've used it in a small GUI project, but my friend Kate has used it extensively. Apparently there's code in there for using SWT as well, but I haven't checked it out.


On Aug 8, 2004, at 1:41 PM, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Interesting stuff - that's very similar to what I had in mind for use with SWT, though I'd intended to have the code actually create any active components (SwiXML apparently creates them from the XML and then uses reflection to save references in fields for access by the code). Have you tried this out?

 - Dennis

Warner Onstine wrote:

Umm, have you guys seen SwiXML?


On Aug 8, 2004, at 12:29 AM, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

That's interesting to see, they're taking an approach similar to something I've been planning. People have been trying for several years now to come up with XML GUI designs for Java, along the lines of Mozilla's XUL. I think that kind of approach is overkill for Java, though, and that rather than trying to put the whole GUI description (including actions and such) into an XML configuration, you'd be much better off to just put the layout information there. The layouts are about 90% of the pain in doing cross-platform GUIs anyway, at least in my experience. It looks like Intellij is going further than I'd take it, but that's typical of these visual layout tools. At least it's cleaner than generating the GridBag garbage in code with // {<@ AUTOGENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY tags around it.

My idea is to just do the layouts in an XML configuration, and do it that way as a convenience to programmers who basically want to control things themselves rather than using a D&D-type tool (so you still create your active controls, only the passive containers and layouts go into the XML; that way you can easily tweak the layouts without recompiling, or even support multiple layouts depending on how something is being used). Maybe I'll have an example for SWT by September.

- Dennis

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