At 10:25 AM 8/27/2004, Warner wrote:
Hi all,
Just ran across JMX with Kodo and I began to think "When should one use or contemplate using JMX for their application?". Of course I can't find any good answers online, only what JMX is, not when to use it to it's best abilities, or when it's appropriate.

I had the same trouble when I took a quick look at JMX.

I know that containers are using this (Tomcat, JBoss, etc.), .....

If you download and fire-up JBoss you can use the management console to explore
all the available services and capabilities. The parameters and properties for each
one of these are presented (and sometimes changeable) through a JMX MBean.
This gave me a better (but perhaps one-sided) idea of how JMX is used.

.....but what real value does it offer us lowly app developers?

My impression is very little for client applications. It seems like the
real use is when you are developing a big server-side application
which you wish to be able to configure dynamically at runtime
(by exposing the configuration/control parameters in MBeans).

Can anyone with more JMX experience correct/comment on
our impressions?


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