> As an alternative to Flex and now opensource:
> http://www.laszlosystems.com/products/
> Before Tim gets too deep into Flex ;-).

I suspect the debate will go on for a long long time... so I won't forward
more from the flex-lists, but suffice it to say the Laszlo open source
announcement has been heard. ;-)

Macromedia announced today a free license for Flex/FlexBuilder for
non-commercial/non-institutional usage.


P.S. The views below aren't mine...but they seem reasonable, especially the
blog entry.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Webster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 6:55 AM
> To: flex-general
> Subject: RE: [flex-general] Why Flex over Laszlo?
> Patrick,
> I've literally just blogged something over at 
> www.richinternetapps.com,
> since I've been getting asked the same question by developers all day.
> Hope that's a starting point for discussion for you,
> Steven
> --
> Steven Webster
> Technical Director
> iteration::two
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Patrick Stapleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: 06 October 2004 14:30
> > To: flex-general
> > Subject: [flex-general] Why Flex over Laszlo?
> > 
> > I'm wondering what answers Macromedia has to questions around 
> > this kind of thinking?
> > 
> > I'm not sure of the licensing model for Flex, however I do 
> > know that the company I am working for see open source 
> > technologies more favourably over proprietary ones. Also I 
> > know they don't mind making the job of the developers harder 
> > if the final cost is significantly lower.
> > 
> > Do you have some spin on this subject as of yet as this 
> > Laszlo stuff is weakening my abilty to promote Flex as a 
> > perferred architecture considerably.
> > ______________________________________________________________
> > __

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 11:21 AM
> To: flex-general
> Subject: RE: [flex-general] Why Flex over Laszlo?
> I'm happy about the announcement with regards to propagation of RIA in
> general...but I worked with Laszlo before Flex, they need to revisit a
> few design decisions.
> More options, the better.
> -Stace
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Onglatco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 1:43 PM
> To: flex-general
> Subject: Re:[flex-general] Why Flex over Laszlo?
> My two-bits.
> The word FREE is so powerful and enticing. For me, choosing 
> between free
> open-source software and commercial proprietary software has always
> boiled to the following factors:
> 1) Can you afford Flex? If not, think no further, go with Laszlo.
> 2) How time-critical is your project? If it is not time-critical, go
> with the open-source. But if it is, going with a product governed by
> capitalistic motives rather than altruistic (for the lack of a better
> word) would be more practical. In the face of a complex issue that
> absolutely needs to be resolved, relying on a kind soul in 
> the forums to
> provide me a free and thorough response that entirely resolves the
> problem is, from my experience, an unrealistic expectation. Not
> impossible, but improbable. But I know that with Flex, albeit 
> not free,
> I can pay for support that will legally bound Macromedia to help me
> resolve any critical issue that might crop up.
> 3) How mature is this open-source technology? While I would heartily
> endorse Tomcat, it wasn't always so. I remember the 
> yesteryears when it
> was nowhere as stable as it is today. It may take a while before Lazlo
> earns my confidence. There's not even a book out there yet about their
> technology, and to stake my profession and reputation on a fledgling
> technology who makes no support guarantee is, for me, imprudent at
> least, folly at best.
> 4) How widely supported is this open-source technology? Numbers do
> count, as the more developers use a particular technology, the better
> assurance that it will improve and proliferate. The 
> presence/absence of
> book(s) on the subject is, for me, a good indicator. (Authors 
> usually do
> not invest their effort and time unless they feel there is a 
> vast enough
> audience to make a profit from book sales.)
> I will probably play around with Lazlo one of these days, and I will
> definitely keep an eye on it from hereon, but as of this 
> point in time,
> I'm still moving forward with Flex on our projects because 
> when all has
> been said and done, I trust Macromedia more not only in terms of the
> company itself, but also of its technological maturity.
> Again, this is my two-bits, so please don't shoot me down :)
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