They asked me yesterday. It was short notice, but I have a presentation that
I have used before for a workshop. The presentation covers Spring templates,
Springs IOC (including property editors), Spring transactions, interfacing
with Hibernate via Spring. It should be fun. (I plan on attending the Tucson
JUG next week. I am in town.)

Speaking at the Phoenix JUG on Spring 

Date: 01/12/2005, 6:30 PM 
  Location: University of Advancing Computer Technology 
  Title: Introduction to Spring, AOP, and IoC 
  Abstract: Spring is a popular AOP/IoC framework that was developed by Rod
Johnson, Juergen Hoeller et al. Spring simplifies J2EE and Java development.
(Rod Johnson is the famed author who wrote Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and

Spring makes J2EE development easier. Spring is a J2EE framework that
simplifies commons tasks and encourages good design based on programming to
interfaces. Springs makes your application easier to configure and reduces
the need for many J2EE design patterns (quite a few J2EE design patterns are
really glorified hacks that clutter your code base). Spring puts the OO
design back into your J2EE application. 
  Speaker: Rick Hightower, CTO ArcMind Inc.
  Bio: Rick Hightower serves as chief technology officer for ArcMind Inc. He
is coauthor of the popular book Java Tools for Extreme Programming, which
covers applying XP to J2EE development, and also recently co-authored
Professional Struts. He has been working with J2EE since the very early days
and lately has been working mostly with Maven, Spring, JSF and Hibernate.
Rick is a big JSF and Spring fan. Rick has taught several workshops and
training courses involving the Spring framework as well as worked on several
projects consulting, mentoring and developing with the Spring framework.

-- r i c k    h i g h t o w e r
-- Senior Mentor
-- p: 520-290-6855
-- m: 520-661-6753
-- f: 520-290-4179
-- 15378 e colossal cave rd
-- Tucson, AZ 85641

Upcoming conferences:
JSF QuickStart:  San Diego,   CA, 10/9/04-10/11
JSF QuickStart:  Santa Clara, CA, 10/16/04-10/17
JSF QuickStart:  Los Angeles, CA, 10/23/04-10/24
JSF QuickStart:  Phoenix,     AZ, 11/6/04-11/05
JSF QuickStart:  Houston,     TX, 11/13/04-11/14
JSF QuickStart:  Dallas,      TX, 11/20/04-11/21
JSF QuickStart:  Boston,      MA, 12/04/04-12/05
JSF QuickStart:  Seattle,     WA, 12/11/04-12/12 
JSF QuickStart:  Las Vegas,   NV, 12/18/04-12/19
See for more info:

New Publications:
Warner Onstine & Rick Hightower have a new book, "Professional Java 
Tools for Extreme Programming : Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, & Maven", 
available now at your local bookstore and

Rick Hightower has two new books, "Professional Jakarta Struts", 
available now aat your local bookstore and and "Struts Live" 
available through


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