I would love to read what a hard core sociologist has to say on this sort of
thing!! What comes out of it could help me recognise the devation points and
slay the dragons before they hatch.

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, John D. Mitchell wrote:

> >>>>> "Erik" == Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>>> On Feb 16, 2005, at 8:23 PM, John D. Mitchell wrote:
> [...]
> >> I don't know of any hardcore sociologists but there's plenty of us
> >> amateur sociologists doing it.
> > I'm going to forward this thread over to a good friend of mine and a
> > hardcore sociologist who studies lots of internet phenomenon -
> > http://www.csun.edu/%7Eegodard/
> Cool, I'd love to work with a hardcore person on this.  I think there's
> some particularly interesting things going on.
> >> Looking at the forest level, the view is a bit scary.  Big organizations
> >> like Apache, Red Hat, IBM, Sun, MS, SCO, etc. are all trying to control
> >> the commons.  Even the so-called "pure" OSS organizations like Apache
> >> have done a piss poor job being stewards and otherwise exemplifying good
> >> governance and project management.
> > Could you elaborate on Apache's failings?  I'm genuinely curious.  I'm an
> > ASF "member", and often feel I'm one of the lamest members there.  But
> > then again, the whole thing is run by volunteers.  It's amazing that
> > Apache has hung together like it has, and most recently the
> > infrastructure and legal teams have really stepped up to the plate.  I've
> > recently had the Lucene codebase migrated to Subversion and moving it to
> > the top-level, and the infrastructure folks really do a lot of
> > underground work that make it all tick.
> I bow to your experience w.r.t. the infrastructure folks. SysAdmins,
> janitors, and secretaries never get anywhere near the amount of credit that
> they deserve.
> As the steward of such a well known brand, the ASF has, IMNSHO, completely
> failed in their duty to make the brand stand for things like high-quality,
> useful, etc. software.  As a political organization, it has done a lot of
> ego advancement and that has helped spread the F/OSS meme.  In terms of
> Apache as a society, it has fostered atrocious community standards of
> personal and group behavior.
> Slaves make the worst masters.
> Take care,
>       John
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