> Groovy would be a decent solution I suspect, but wouldn't you 
> need to  layer in HttpClient or something like that to get decent HTTP

> facilities?
Yeah, but in fairness - both ruby and perl need HTTP libraries too. And
Commons HTTP Client has a nicely documented API. 

Oddly, 5 seconds ago on the urbancode anthill list, somebody just sent a
link to the beanshell manual (I believe they integrated bsh into

For somebody with primarily a Java background...it might be an
interesting option.

> Ant could do it, but you'd have to have Java, Ant, and to get 
> looping  you'd want ant-contrib as well :)  
I wondered about the looping...and I certainly don't want to start
debating the readability of the build.xml files... I think we've all
been there before. <grin>

Looks fun.... almost a little disorienting without the pointy brackets


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