> org.tucson-jug.TimoIsBeingGeekyException
> at gillman.duffy.ReadEmail (ReadEmail.java:57) at 
> gillman.duffy.StareIdlyWhileDrinkingCoffee
> (StareIdlyWhileDrinkingCoffee.java:1044)
> at gillman.duffy.MorningRouting (MorningRouting:32) ... 39 more

Man, I feel so much -less- geeky now. ;-)

> Yes, I have previously felt a little awkward realizing that 
> if I don't show the TJUG becomes an exciting hallway 
> experience.  More than once I've been pulled in by conscience 
> alone (..."but Lifetime is running a Little House on the 
> Prarie marathon this Tuesday... *sigh*").  But what 
> alternatives do you have in mind?  I think we might be able 
> to get a meeting room at the UA Library with little or no 
> effort - but I don't imagine we'd get a fancy overhead 
> projector.  And think of that fabulous doorbell, Timo!  What 
> would replace the fabulous doorbell?

I have no alternatives in mind -- but it's something I think the group
should work out before you come down with a fever, go on vacation, want
to watch Laura Ingalls Wilder bale hay... or after 15 months of
meetings, you decide, "uh, folks, I just honestly don't want to come to
the meeting tonight, it's just Tim talking, and I'd rather pass."

And if we discuss and say, "gee...we can find a meeting room...but no
projector...hmm... do we 'need' a projector? Well, unless Nick is
presenting and we can huddle around his gigangtic Powerbook
screen...yep, we need a projector. Sooo...how much is a projector? Oh,
about $800. Hmm...we have no budget, so, "Hey Bill, could you donate
$800 so we can buy a projector?" <grin>

Lol -- I'm starting to understand why the Tucson Computer Society folks
might have been "silly" about wanting all folks who attend meetings to
pay dues (even if they do give a preso). I believe TCS rents a building,
owns a projector, has furniture, and presumably incurs other expenses


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