On Feb 4, 2006, at 12:47 PM, Tim Colson ((tcolson)) wrote:

If the JUG hooks me up with another contract like my current
one, I'll be happy to throw in a projector, too! :)
lol. :-)

I haven't mentioned it because I'm lazy but I suspect I could
get us a room with projector and net via the UA CS department.
Good to know.

Yes, the TCS does have a room, at 4444 E. Grant.  It has
chairs, a projector and, I believe, a net connection.  You
can see a tiny picture of in the top banners at

Affiliating with the TCS as a SIG, assuming they'd have us,
would solve the meeting room problem, the dues-collection
problem, and the budget-committee problem.  Their dues are
$45/yr, $25/yr for students.  As a bonus, my cost for
attending Developer's SIG
(http://devsig.editme.com/) meetings would be slashed in half! :)

This might be good option. Martin Lapidus has attended several of our
JUG meetings (I think he's on this list too, right Martin?).

We said that this group consists of mostly "professional developers" and
that we like the focus of talks to be fairly technical.

So as a rule, we're all mostly geeks -- doing the "business" side of
running the organization is the part that's hard to get folks to do.

We could bring 20-30 members into the TCS, software licenses for
JiveSoftware Forums, Jira, and Confluence...and the brains to run the
stuff, even perhaps write some custom software.

TJUG gets non-profit status, access to a building and projector, monthly
advertisement and announcement of the group, a MUCH bigger group of
"members" to entice corporate sponsorship/demos to the SIG, etc.

Bill -- do you know where they host the aztcs.org site? Perhaps we could
combine effort and resources?

Of course -- I'm sure we'd have to give up some control so we'd also
want to understand/discuss how funds are allocated, officers elected,

Summary though -- maybe this is a really good way to get the "drudgery"
off our backs so we could focus more on the fun stuff like good topics
and creating online versions?

I know that we've talked about this in the past (privately over beers rather than publicly, but it sounds like now is the right time). There are a few issues that I see with this:
- Do our ideologies, culture, etc. match with the TCS?
- Does what they do meet what we as a group need?

Basically it boils down to this - do we as a group fit together with the TCS? Based on what I've heard from others and my gut I would say no. I think that they are a much more constrained organization and that what they provide is a bit of overkill for us. But take this with a big grain of salt as I have not directly talked with them about this in the past. The biggest issue I see is that we always want to make meetings free for whomever wants to come, that's always been a tenant of ours and that would undoubtedly change by joining the TCS. But if this is something the group wants to investigate I will wholeheartedly go down that path.


P.S. If you are interested in the idea of creating a preso to sell, I
may be interested in buying, so please contact me offlist at

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