Just to add one thing to this... they are making it
'free' due to competition with Laszlo.  Double check
the licensing on Flex.  As anyone who is familiar with
OSS knows, 'free' is not always free.

btw- Laszlo is a nice package.  Its Java based.


--- "Tim Colson (tcolson)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Solr has a custom response handler hook so XML is
> not 
> > required, just the default.
> Interesting. 
> Do you know of anyone created a handler that returns
> JSON to compare
> speed of parsing?
> http://www.json.org/
> Might be fun to rig a Solr XML feed to a Flex
> UI...now that it's free.
> (Stop reading now if you don't want to hear about
> Flex.)
> Dunno if anyone has noticed, but Macromederrrr,
> Adobe is says on their
> site that the core Flex 2.0 SDK and distribution
> will be free.
> http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flexframework2/
> "At the core of Flex 2.0 is the Flex framework,
> which is included with
> Flex Builder and will also be distributed in the
> free Flex Software
> Development Kit (SDK). Using only the free Flex SDK,
> you can
> commercially deploy Flex applications that connect
> to XML and SOAP web
> services with no additional costs or server
> licensing required."
> Note the limitation of XML services and/or SOAP
> Services (both lowercase
> and upper intentional). The uninitiated might wonder
> why this is
> considered a limit. The "Flex Data Services" server
> piece (which will
> still cost big bucks) provides a super-easy
> super-fast
> binary-proto-over-the-wire auto-serialization
> auto-conversion-to-ActionScript-data-types RPC
> mechanism that can
> leverage existing POJO's on the server with
> finegrained declarative
> security. A mouthful of buzzwords that truly is
> worth something... but
> not sure it's worth the price they're asking. ;-)
> Oh, and for all you Eclipse freaks... the new
> FlexBuilder IDE is based
> on Eclipse. 
> -T
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