On Jun 24, 2006, at 5:15 PM, josh zeidner wrote:
   After having worked with countless web frameworks
and dozens of languages I will say this:  What you
gain in development effort and 'syntactic sugar' you
lose in performance.

But Ruby is not just a sugar coating of syntax.

  As all these sites prop up I
just give it a year or two before people start
marketing themselves as experts in 'optimizing' RoR,
so they can sell the solutions to the performance
problems that the 'peace and contentment' caused.

Perhaps. There will certainly be the need for skilled folks in the RoR space in terms of deployment. You asked what sites I've deployed. At this point I don't have anything visible in production, primarily because I'm in a small academic group that has little sysadmin skills and servers to push what I've developed out. We do have a previous version online using RoR interacting with Kowari and a custom XML-RPC Lucene search server. We'll be putting the new and improved version with Solr replacing both the other two pieces shortly. Once that is up, I'll be announcing it. I run the system locally in development mode and it's doing quite well with no RoR caching, but we will certainly be enabling the caching facilities that RoR slickly offers as we need it.

Very similar with EJB and CMP. EJB offered a
simplistic layer of abstaction  that made data
management simpler

Uh, you must have used a different EJB than I did. I don't have any happy experiences with EJB in practice or even in theory. But then again, I'm not even fond of relational databases in practice no matter how they are accessed... but ActiveRecord has made me smile a lot lately.

  Having witnessed the Web 2.0 sleaziness first hand,
I do not trust anything that is associated with that
world.  If you want to deliver something really good
to your client, give them standards that are
unencumbered by licenscing constraints( where it is
affordable of course ).

I'm not following what you mean here... how does the "Web 2.0" world relate to licensing constraints?

   I still do respect Java as a language because the
semantics are well established

I'm quite happy with Java as well, and I do more coding in it than in Ruby still.


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