This is great news.  RSpec is the bomb.  I'm using it extensively at
work and in my personal work.  One of the committers is my co-worker,
and we met the original author (Steven Baker) at the last RubyConf.
Here's a video interview with him and Dave Astels (the guy who wrote
the book on TDD and came up with the concept for BDD):

It'll be interesting to see how far they can get with this in
Java/Groovy.  RSpec relies heavily on Ruby magic for it's coolness and

-- Chad

On 4/11/07, Warner Onstine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This was sent out to the Groovy list this morning, an implementation
of Behavior Driven Development, inspired by RSpec (http://, This one is of course called GSpec.

Here's the code example he sent to the list:

> GSpec is still very alpha as I need to rework the method and property
> interception, however I'm putting it out there in an attempt to
> draw some
> interest (more so in the practice rather than the project). Honestly I
> should be spending more time developing and fixing the kinks in
> GSpec than I
> spend writing about it. Currently I'm working on using Groovy MOP for
> interception and I'm also now working on a term definition feature.
> The idea
> behind term definition is a means of allowing users to extend GSpec by
> defining additional grammar at runtime. Here's what it wold look like:
> the.context("A music store order entry system") {
>   definitions {
>      define 'accepted' { the.orderRepository.contains(it) }
>   }
>   initially {
>      the.orderRepository = new OrderRepositoryImpl()
>      the.orderProcessor = new OrderProcessorImpl()
>   }
>   specify("An order posted without items should NOT be accepted") {
>      def order = the.orderProcessor.createOrder()
>      order.submit()
>      order.should_not_be_accepted
>   }
>   specify("An order posted with items SHOULD be accepted") {
>      def order = the.orderProcessor.createOrder()
>      order.add new LineItem("MC Hammer's greatest hits Double CD",
> 21.99)
>      order.submit()
>      order.should_be_accepted
>   }
>   inConclusion { the.orderRepository.deleteAllOrders() }
> }
> Here's what happens. Any term behind the magic properties (i.e.
> should_be,
> should_not_be) is considered as a boolean bean property. If the
> property is
> undefined on the calling object then a list of "terms" supplied by
> the user
> in the definition section will be considered to resolve the call. I
> think
> it's pretty slick stuff. You probably think I'm crazy, but it might
> work
> out. Drop me a line if you have any other ideas to throw into the pot.

Warner Onstine - Programmer/Author
New book! Tapestry 101 available at

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