I discovered a few days ago that the site was down so I attempted to restart Confluence to no avail. Tim was transferring ownership of the license over to a general email account so I waited for that so I could try and upgrade the installation hoping that would fix whatever was ailing it. I finally got it all setup last night, but it refuses to upgrade the site to the new version (most likely whatever killed it in the first place). I currently have a trouble-ticket in to Atlassian to try and fix this so I will let everyone know when it is up and running again. I can't really try a new install since the only way to get all of our pages back is to export them from the original instance of confluence (which isn't running).

We are having a meeting next week at some new digs so I will send out an email on that shortly.


Warner Onstine - Programmer/Author
New book on Tapestry 4!
Tapestry 101 available at http://sourcebeat.com/books/tapestrylive.html

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