Just saw this...thought it might be an interesting look at an actual application of JRuby:


On Jun 8, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Thomas Hicks wrote:

At 03:49 PM 6/8/2008, you wrote:
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Thomas Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > One thing that has turned me off from Ruby in the past is the fanatical
> and proselytizing behavior of the community members. Instead of
> just setting up strawmen and snidely knocking them down, why don't you
> put down the Kool-aid and educate us.

Hmm, other people say that Ruby has an especially nice community.  I
think the Ruby open source community is interesting, especially
projects like Rubunius that are turning the whole "ego based" open
source paradigm on it's head.  In Rubinius for example, one accepted
patch gets you full commit rights.  I wrote more about this here [1].

Cool idea. I'm glad to hear that the community has mellowed.

So, anyone else (or nobody else) is welcome to answer these.  I was
just stirring things up, didn't want to actually do any work, other
than possibly making some Old Pueblo Developers consider looking into
Ruby and the world of Kool-Aid Flavored Happiness that awaits.

You know I love you all :)

Yea, we know you, dude. We know your style of asking provocatively
phrased questions to see what people react with. And, if it had been
someone I didn't know asking, I wouldn't have given them as much grief.

And you probably know that I really would like to know the answers to
the questions I asked....I am (almost :) always interested in learning
new things. Perhaps someone listening has more experience w/
JRuby and can enlighten us both....

> 1) Have you actually used JRuby for any real world applications?
> 2) What is it best at? What is it worst at?
> 3) How well does it integrate with Java?
> (Groovy and Java are highly integrated in several different ways.
> At a minimum, Groovy classes can extend Groovy and Java classes
> and interfaces. Java classes can also extend Groovy classes and interfaces.
> The Groovy MOP protocol adds even more power to the integration).
> 4) How does JRuby resolve the conflict between Java and Ruby data types?
> 4a) Does it support coercion? Autoboxing and unboxing?
> 5) How faithful is it to the Ruby language?
> 6) Does it implement all of Ruby?
> 7) Can JRuby use Ruby libraries?
> 8) Is JRuby up-to-date with mainline Ruby development?
> 9) How fast is it?
> 10) How good is the tool support (IDEs and so on)?

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