Travis Hoffman has a BS in Computer Engineering from the UofA in 2000 and has worked as a Software Engineer for 10 years with a number of small companies in Tucson. Travis turned pro with 5 years at the fabled startup NewMonics where he was "Lord of the Build", later spent 2 years "working" with Struts, went on to survive a boss straight out of Dilbert and then ported SWT to the PEG toolkit for Aonix. In 2009, Travis founded Firkin Software. There, Travis has been creating iPhone applications and developing custom web-based applications using Grails and GWT. Many times in his career, Travis has travelled to exotic destinations like Plochingen Germany, Lansing Michigan and Chelmsford Massachusetts to counsel dazed engineers, placate irate customers and calm anxious tie-wearers; he has the scars and stories to prove it.

Upon securing a recent contract, Travis used Google to determine which web application buzzwords were most popular. That turned up Grails, GWT, REST, JSON and "Anna Kournikova". Knowing that Google answers all prayers, never lies and is always right, Travis dove right in without even considering that he had no experience with any of them. After a couple months of handwringing, hair pulling, several rolls of duct tape, hundreds of popsicle sticks and a couple bottles of Elmer's glue, Travis has somehow managed to cobble together a mostly working website and form-building tool. He has learned several lessons, the least of which are: Elmer's glue tastes just as bad now as it did when he was 5 and "Anna Kournikova" is not a web framework.

In an epic presentation that will surely be talked about for minutes, if not hours after its completion, Travis will share his experiences, lessons learned and some advice. Always a glutton for punishment, Travis will amuse you with his choices, frighten you with his code and disgust you with his data model. You'll want to avert your gaze but find yourself unable. Children under the age of 17 will not be admitted. Those with weaker constitutions may be mocked.

See for time and place.

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