> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua Jackson
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:24 PM
> To: jug-indonesia@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [JUG-Indonesia] Connection Polling
> Permasalahan dari crossposting menurut gw dilihat dari berbagai sisi:
> 1. Bagi user yang join semua milis tersebut :
> Dia akan mendapatkan 3 email yang isinya sama.

And rather similar to Usenet, there are pros and cons of multiposting
crossposting (though on Usenet the situation is a bit different, and one
should generally crosspost rather than multipost).  For lists/email,
other points already noted earlier (on this and similar earlier threads
on this list), another point is Message-ID: - at least with more
mail client software, with crossposting - at least in theory - it should
possible for the client software to determine that - for someone
to multiple lists - that they've received multiple copies of the same
whereas with multi-posting, they are - logically, and as far as the mail
client software would be concerned - distinct messages, rather than
multiple copies of the same message.  Not sure if much mail client
has gotten quite that "smart" yet, ... but it should be possible for the
mail client software to do that.  Note that some list software may tweak
the body contents slightly (e.g. add a footer), and headers will differ
bit (due to routing and such) ... but client software should (at least
theory) be able to logically consider them duplicates based upon the
Message-ID: header match.

Dari: http://linuxmafia.com/pipermail/sf-lug/2007q3/002233.html

> 2. Bagi user yang cuma join salah satu milis :
> Ketika ada user A dari milis netbeans yang menjawab, lalu 
> toni reply all, setelah itu user B yang terdaftar dari milis 
> jug ngelihat ada replyan dari antah berantah padahal dia gak 
> ngikutin milis netbeans.
> Hal ini bisa menimbulkan kekisruhan. Dan akhirnya orang bisa 
> males reply e-mail toni di masa yang mendatang.

Carefull with Reply to All and Reply. Lihat2 lagi dong, apakah kita
ikutan milis itu atau tidak.. :p

> Saran saya:
> Boleh crossposting, tapi kirim e-mailnya harus ke masing-masing milis.
> Jangan dalam satu e-mail ngirim sekaligus ke banyak milis. 
> Saya pikir penjelasan dari Bung Jaimy sudah cukup jelas. 
> Memang tidak apa-apa, tetapi tidak etis saja. Apalagi ini 
> sudah menjadi semacam aturan tidak tertulis bagi sesama netter.

Kalo menurut Om Josh, berdasarkan kutipan yang saya kirim di point 1,
mending mana? 

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