Kelaparan, kemiskinan, dsb, awal2nya karena kebodohan, karena
pendidikan yang ga terjangkau, ga berkualitas, or simply non-existent.

Programmers can contribute to the betterment by developing affordable
(or even better, free and open source) applications related to
Education. Why do I say "programmers" instead of "ISVs"? Because
ISVs--just like any other business entity-- do business for profit,
and nothing wrong with that, it's the human that have heart ;-)

There are many good (FOSS) solutions to e-learning, yet nobody
develops high quality (FOSS) Information *System* for the institutes
(below universities). That's why i promoted dewantara, to make SIS
(student information system) available for the mass.

My current task is creating sample data, hundreds of them, to show the
vast coverage of dewantara's architecture
( This part is damn
time-consuming. Please see for some ideas
behind the project. Sorry jadi 'jualan' :D

2008/4/19 Feris Thia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Dear All,
> Mungkin kedengarannya terlalu idealis.... tapi sepertinya masalah2 kelaparan
> yang mulai menggejala seperti berikut ini dan laporan dari Bank Dunia untuk
> situasi global cukup mengkhawatirkan. Apa pengaruhnya terhadap kita ya ?
> Terutama kita berkarir di IT dan umumnya berdomisili di kota ? Dampak dan
> mungkin tanggung jawab sosialnya ?

salam hangat,
Thomas Wiradikusuma

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