2008/4/30 Jecki Sumargo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> WOOHOOO... Baru liat di infoq kalau SpringSource bakal rilis app
>  server sendiri (not JEE compliant). Bakal rame nih. All are moving
>  towards OSGi. Kayanya OSGi (makhluk yg g masih ga ngerti ini) bakal
>  jadi the next standard. Any comments?

Not really surprising. I posted about this ages ago in the mailing list :)
Matt Raible sekarang lagi gencar-gencar supporting OSGi in appfuse.
Mungkin dewantara bisa try to use this as well :)


How about tomcat?

There's an active thread tentang ini di tomcat-dev, dan juga dari link kamu.
Kamu bisa liat kalo Spring source juga push ini.

Anyway, this is a very exciting time :D

Edward Yakop

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