cari masa ni yee :))

emang gue pikirin spring atau EJB3 :)



On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 7:27 AM, Joshua Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> David,
> I think it should be us thanking you. I decided to move the
> conversation to a new thread to make it more interesting. :)
> Here are few questions from me:
> 1. There has been FUD amongst Java developers that EJB 3.1 will bring
> another nightmare as EJB 2.1, some developers just don't believe that
> EJB 3.1 is a brand new thing. Will I be able to use EJB 3.1 without
> using application server and call the bean without using JNDI ? Can I
> call this bean with RMI and make it transparent?
> 2. You've been talking about embeddable EJB on your previous post.
> Some developers here just don't believe that you will not lose all the
> good things as when you're using EJB on the application server. Will
> there any trade of when using embeddable EJB?
> 3. You have introduced us with the brand new feature called
> @Singleton, it looks like I can use this as I would be using Servlet.
> Can I use this Singleton bean in webapps instead of using Servlet?
> 4. When is the release plan for EJB 3.1 ?
> Best regards,
> On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 3:18 AM, dblevins01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!  I've been pretty impressed with
> the size and
> > activity in this community.  From the text I can read, it looks like some
> fun and very
> > spirited debates happen here, which is something special.
> >
> > I think it will be great to get the feedback of the people here as more
> drafts of the EJB 3.1
> > specification come out.  EJB 3.0 was very heavily persistence focused.
>  EJB 3.1 so far has
> > been very heavily focused on the session bean side of things.  For the
> first time in years
> > we have a new bean type, the @Singleton.  In my opinion, the Singleton is
> going to replace
> > a lot of what people are using @Stateless for today.
> >
> > The Singleton is essentially what you get if you take a Stateless bean
> and adjust the pool
> > size to be exactly 1 and could allow concurrent access to that bean like
> a servlet.  It can do
> > everything a Stateless can do such as support Web Services, Security,
> Transactions, etc.  It
> > will have an @Startup annotation which is similar in concept to the
> servlet <load-on-
> > startup>, but unlike servlets it doesn't take a number as an argument.
>  Instead, you can
> > use an @DependsOn annotation to say which other Singletons you need and
> the container
> > will ensure they start before you.
> >
> > Singletons will also support two modes of concurrent access,
> Container-Managed
> > Concurrency (the default) and Bean-Managed Concurrency.  With
> Bean-Managed
> > Concurrency the container sends all invocations into the bean and let's
> the Singleton bean
> > instance decide how and when to synchronize access, if at all.  Here the
> 'synchronization'
> > keyword is allowed as well as the full javax.util.concurrent set of
> libraries.  With Container-
> > Managed Concurrency, the container will enforce concurrency for you.  Two
> modes, called
> > "locks" will exist and can be assigned to the class or on a per method
> basis.  The first and
> > the default is a "write" lock.  Essentially with a write lock, the caller
> hold an exclusive lock
> > on the bean for the duration of the method call and all other threads for
> that or any other
> > method must wait.  The other option is a "read" lock.  The read lock
> allows full concurrent
> > access to the methods (assuming no write locks are held).  The default
> mode of WRITE will
> > essentially make your bean a single-threaded bean, which is very slow.
>  The more
> > conservative @Lock(WRITE) as chosen as the default as this is how all the
> other bean types
> > work (on a single thread may access a bean instance at any given time).
>  Those that are
> > aware of how to handle concurrent access can easily put @Lock(READ) on
> their bean class,
> > thus changing the default, and then @Lock(WRITE) on specific methods if
> needed.
> >
> > We have an implementation of this in OpenEJB which I quite literally
> finished yesterday.  I'd
> > love to get some feedback for both the spec and for OpenEJB.  It's the
> only @Singleton
> > implementation in existence that I'm aware of and I'm pretty excited to
> see what people
> > think.  I've put together a snapshot build of the svn trunk for the group
> to try out along
> > with the examples:
> >
> >  
> ><>
> >
> > Thanks again for the welcome and happy EJB'ing :)
> >
> > -David
> --
> Setting a new landmark.
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