waw..tertarik tapi mepet bgt..

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 2:56 PM, T Budi S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sori kl repost.
> Masih ada waktu 1 hari utk register, buruan.
> regards,
> T Budi S
> ==========================================================================================================
> http://saloon.javaranch.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=80&t=001543
> FREE BETA: Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services 5 Certification
> Exam
> Are you a Developer who is responsible for creating web services
> applications using Java technology components such as those supported
> by the Glassfish Metro Web service stack and the Java Enterprise
> Edition 5 platform? If so, this is your opportunity to get involved in
> the creation of the Java Web Services exam!!!!!
> As a beta tester, you officially test the test and will be able to
> provide Sun with valuable comments and technical feedback about the
> Java Web Services questions. The Sun beta exam counts towards official
> SCDJWS 5 Certification!
> Beta Dates: October 31st, 2008 thru November 21st, 2008
> Registration Exam Start Date: October 29th, 2008 - November 5th, 2008
> Passing the exam entitles you to the full status of Sun Certified
> Developer for Java Web Services 5, and you will receive a Sun
> "certification kit". A certification kit will have your certificate,
> Logo Agreement and Letter.
> Candidates will have 240 minutes to complete 160 questions, which
> should allow you time to respond to all questions and provide your
> valuable comments while taking the exam.
> This beta exam is offered Worldwide at any Authorized Prometric Testing
> Center!
> Recommended Prerequisites:
> **Prior to attempting this certification, candidates MUST be certified
> as a Sun Certified Programmer (SCJP), any edition
> **Candidates should have at least six to twelve months experience
> developing Java Web Services
> Unlike other SUN Microsystems certification exams, this exam does NOT
> require a voucher. To register for the "Sun Certified Developer for
> Java Web Services 5", exam number (311-230)" Beta exam, you may
> register online at www.prometric.com and follow the prompts. Or, you
> may register by phone, by calling your regional Prometric registration
> office, listed at http://www.prometric.com/Sun/default.htm.
> Asia/Australia 61-2-96405830
> Europe 31-320-239-800
> Japan 81-0120-107737
> Latin America* Contact your local Prometric testing center, listed at
> www.2test.com
> USA/Canada 1-800-795-3926
> Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for any questions
> Section 1: XML Web Service Standards
> 1.1 Given XML documents, schemas, and fragments determine whether
> their syntax and form are correct (according to W3C schema) and
> whether they conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
> 1.2 Describe the use of XML schema in Java EE Web services
> Section 2: SOAP 1.2 Web Service Standards
> 2.1 List and describe the encoding types used in a SOAP message.
> 2.2 Describe the SOAP Processing and Extensibility Model.
> 2.3 Describe SOAP Message Construct and create a SOAP message that
> contains an attachment.
> Section 3: Describing and Publishing (WSDL and UDDI)
> 3.1 Explain the use of WSDL in Web services, including a description
> of WSDL's basic elements, binding mechanisms and the basic WSDL
> operation types as limited by the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
> 3.2 Describe how WSDL enables one to separate the description of the
> abstract functionality offered by a service from concrete details of a
> service description such as "how" and "where" that functionality is
> offered.
> 3.3 Describe the Component Model of WSDL including Descriptions,
> Interfaces, Bindings, Services and Endpoints.
> 3.4 Describe the basic functions provided by the UDDI Publish and
> Inquiry APIs to interact with a UDDI business registry.
> Section 4: JAX-WS
> 4.1 Explain JAX-WS technology for building web services and client
> that communicate using XML
> 4.2 Given a set of requirements for a Web service, such as
> transactional needs, and security requirements, design and develop Web
> service applications that use JAX-WS technology
> 4.3 Describe the Integrated Stack (I-Stack) which consists of JAX-WS,
> 4.4 Describe and compare JAX-WS development approaches
> 4.5 Describe the features of JAX-WS including the usage of Java Annotations
> 4.6 Describe the architecture of JAX_WS including the Tools SPI that
> define the contract between JAX-WS tools and Java EE.
> 4.7 Describe creating a Web Service using JAX-WS.
> 4.8 Describe JAX-WS Client Communications Models
> 4.9 Given an set of requirements, design and develop a Web service
> client, such as a Java EE client and a stand-alone client, using
> 4.10 Given a set of requirements, create and configure a Web service
> client that accesses a stateful Web service.
> Section 5: REST, JSON, SOAP and XML Processing APIs (JAXP, JAXB and SAAJ)
> 5.1 Describe the characteristics of REST Web Services.
> 5.2 Describe the characteristics of JSON Web Services.
> 5.3 Compare SAOP web services to REST Web Services.
> 5.4 Compare SAOP web services to JSON Web Services.
> 5.5 Describe the functions and capabilities of the APIs included within
> 5.6 Describe the functions and capabilities of JAXB, including the
> JAXB process flow, such as XML-to-Java and Java-to-XML, and the
> binding and validation mechanisms provided by JAXB.
> 5.7 Create and use a SOAP message with attachments using the SAAJ APIs.
> Section 6: JAXR
> 6.1 Describe the function of JAXR in Web service architectural model,
> the two basic levels of business registry functionality supported by
> JAXR, and the function of the basic JAXR business objects and how they
> map to the UDDI data structures.
> 6.2 Create JAXR client to connect to a UDDI business registry, execute
> queries to locate services that meet specific requirements, and
> publish or update information about a business service.
> Section 7: Java EE Web Services
> 7.1 Identify the characteristics of and the services and APIs included
> in the Java EE platform.
> 7.2 Explain the benefits of using the Java EE platform for creating
> and deploying Web service applications.
> 7.3 Describe the functions and capabilities of the JAXP, DOM, SAX,
> StAX, JAXR, JAXB, JAX-WS and SAAJ in the Java EE platform.
> 7.4 Describe the role of the WS-I Basic Profile when designing Java EE
> Web services.
> Section 8: Security
> 8.1 Explain basic security mechanisms including: transport level
> security, such as basic and mutual authentication and SSL, message
> level security, XML encryption, XML Digital Signature, and federated
> identity and trust.
> 8.2 Identify the purpose and benefits of Web services security
> oriented initiatives and standards such as Username Token Profile,
> SAML, XACML, XKMS, WS-Security, and the Liberty Project.
> 8.3 Given a scenario, implement Java EE based web service web-tier
> and/or EJB-tier basic security mechanisms, such as mutual
> authentication, SSL, and access control.
> 8.4 Describe factors that impact the security requirements of a Web
> service, such as the relationship between the client and service
> provider, the type of data being exchanged, the message format, and
> the transport mechanism.
> 8.5 Describe WS-Policy that defines a base set of constructs that can
> be used and extended by other Web specifications to describe a broad
> range of service requirements and capabilities.
> Section 9: Developing Web Services
> 9.1 Describe the steps required to configure, package, and deploy Java
> EE Web services and service clients, including a description of the
> packaging formats, such as .ear, .war, .jar, annotations and
> deployment descriptor settings.
> 9.2 Given a set of requirements, develop code to process XML files
> using the SAX, StAX, DOM, XSLT, and JAXB APIs.
> 9.3 Given an XML schema for a document style Web service create a WSDL
> file that describes the service and generate a service implementation.
> 9.4 Given a set of requirements, create code to create an XML-based,
> document style, Web service using the JAX-WS APIs.
> 9.5 Implement a SOAP logging mechanism for testing and debugging a Web
> service application using Java EE Web Service APIs.
> 9.6 Given a set of requirements, create code to handle system and
> service exceptions and faults received by a Web services client.
> Section 10: Web Services Interoperability Technologies
> 10.1 Describe WSIT, the features of each WSIT technology and the
> standards that WSIT Implements for each technology and how it works.
> 10.2. Describe how to create a WSIT client from a Web Service
> Description Language (WSDL) file.
> 10.3 Describe how to configure web service providers and clients to
> use message optimization.
> 10.4 Create a Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client
> that accesses a Java web service.
> 10.5 Describes the best practices for production and consumption of
> data interoperability between WCF web services and Java web service
> clients or between Java web services and WCF web service clients.
> Section 11: General Design and Architecture
> 11.1 Describe the characteristics of a Service Oriented Architecture
> (SOA) and how Web services fit to this model.
> 11.2 Given a scenario, design a Java EE web service using Web Services
> Design Patterns (Asynchronous Interaction, JMS Bridge, Web Service
> Cache, Web Service Broker), and Best Practices.
> 11.3 Describe how to handle the various types of return values,
> faults, errors, and exceptions that can occur during a Web service
> interaction.
> 11.4 Describe the role that Web services play when integrating data,
> application functions, or business processes in a Java EE application.
> Section 12: Endpoint Design and Architecture
> 12.1 Given a scenario, design Web Service applications using
> information models that are either procedure-style or document-style.
> 12.2 Describe the function of the service interaction and processing
> layers in a Web service.
> 12.3 Design a Web service for an asynchronous, document-style process
> and describe how to refactor a Web Service from a synchronous to an
> asynchronous model.
> 12.4 Describe how the characteristics, such as resource utilization,
> conversational capabilities, and operational modes, of the various
> types of Web service clients impact the design of a Web service or
> determine the type of client that might interact with a particular
> service.


Hadikusuma W.  -- Dhiku
YM: stealth_320


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