Pake ejb-persistence.jar kalo pake glassfish udah ada di lib default.
Kalo pake yg lain hrs tambahin jar yg td

On 8/14/09, Penyihir Kecil <> wrote:
> aq jadi bingung.....
> kan Hibernate + Hibernate Annotation
> pas bikin
> @entity -> import org.hibernate.annotations.Entity;
> tapi pas
> @id -> import javax.persistence.Id;
> lah kok hibernate annotation g punya annotation buat definisi Id ???
> tuing" ....mohon informasi nya....
> aq referensi banyak yg g make org.hibernate.annotations.Entity untuk
> definisi entity melainkan pake punya JPA...
> ada yg bisa memberi masukan informasi
> terima kasih ^_^v
> ~ its all about perception, how you choose to view things ~
> dwi ardi irawan
> --- On Sat, 8/8/09, Ifnu bima <> wrote:
> From: Ifnu bima <>
> Subject: Re: [JUG-Indonesia] Q : Hibernate Annotation
> To:
> Date: Saturday, August 8, 2009, 12:20 PM
>                   Nggak sama.
> Pilihanya bs begini:
> Hibernate + hibernate annotation
> Pilihan diatas pure hibernate, walaupun nama annotationya mirip jpa
> seperti @entity atau @column. Tp smua import org.hibernate
> Hibernate + hibernate annotation + jpa annotation
> Pilihan ini sebenernya masih pure hibernate di implementasinya tp
> annotation pake jpa. Semisal @entity @colum dsb import dr
> javax.persistence tp msh bs dicampur dgn hibernate annotation semisal
> @cascade yg import org.hibernate.
> Kedua pilihan diatas menggunakan sessionfactory dan session punya
> hibernate. Konfigurasinya hibernate.cfg
> Hibernate + Hibernate Entity Manager + JPA annotation
> Nah pilihan ini udah pake jpa. Ga lg ada sesionfactory tp
> entitymanagerfactor y dan entitymanager. Konfigurasinya pake
> persistence. xml
> Dr sisi feature dan maturity msh bgs hibernate, hql msh lbh oke
> dbanding jpaql dan di jpa ga ada criteria query. Pilihan masing2 kl
> saya pake pilihan ke 2
> On 8/8/09, Penyihir Kecil <penyihirkecil@> wrote:
>> bingung mode on
>> hibernate 3 kan dah bisa annotation
>> apakah hibernate + anotation = jpa using hibernate ?
>> terima kasih
>> ~ its all about perception, how you choose to view things ~
>> dwi ardi irawan
>> http://www.dwiardii rawan.blogspot. com
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
> Senior Engineer @ ArtiVisi Intermedia
> Java Training Center
> See our course @
> http://ifnu. artivisi. com
> +62 856 9211 8687
> regards

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