mr. mukhlis,

wah sekali browsing ketemu tuh :
An int is a primitive. It is not an Object. An int is a high
performance, streamlined beast for calculating numbers in the range
-2,147,483,648 [-231] aka Integer.MIN_VALUE to +2,147,483,647 [2 31-1]
aka Integer.MAX_VALUE. An int is a bare bones 32-bit chunk of
information. int variables are mutable. Unless you mark them final,
you can change their value at any time.

An Integer, is a Object that contains a single int field. An Integer
is much bulkier than an int. It is sort like a Fedex box to contain
the int. Integers are immutable. If you want to affect the value of a
Integer variable, the only way is to create a new Integer object and
discard the old one.

Pada 27 Oktober 2009 01:49, sm96 <> menulis:
> hahahaha, ketipu dia rupanya.
> >>Nah, ada yang tau kenapa ?
> >>String a = "halo";
> >>String b = "halo";
> >>atau
> >>String a = "halo";
> >>"halo" == a , hasilnya true
> >>a==b hasilnya bisa true.
> daripada bingung malah bikin pusing, ikuti saja sesuai cara yg benar.
> Ini lagi contohnya yg bikin bingung, kalo gak ngerti bedanya :
> int a = 10;
> int b = 10;
> a== b jelas true dong.
> tapi,
> Integer a = 10;
> Integer b = 10;
> kok a==b  true ya?
> int sama Integer ini sebenarnya barangnya beda lho.
> tapi, ada satu lagi nih
> Integer a = new Integer(10);
> Integer b = new Integer(10);
> ternyata a==b, false....
> kenapa hayo...?
> kalo tau ini penyebabnya kenapa, maka jawaban yg kamu dapat
> sama jawabannya dengan pertanyaan diatas.

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