Solved... silly me... ini sih masalah brain ware...

<java  classname="net.trendcom.distributor.splitter.NioSplitter"
                        <jvmarg value="-server"/>
                        <jvmarg value="-d64"/>
                        <jvmarg value="-Xms1500m"/>
                        <jvmarg value="-Xmx1500m"/>

Silly me.. silly me...
Spot the stupidity ?


On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Adelwin, Adelwin <>wrote:

>  This is more of a question than answer…
> Hehehehe
> Secara theory… kalo arch 64b khan bisa address sampe limitless memory…
> Kalo ada yang udah pernah check belom JVM nya sendiri mampu handle sampe
> berapa?
> Gue pake mac… memory 4GB… kalo fresh from restart… free nya bisa 2GB lebih…
> Gue start pake –Xms2048MB –Xmx2048MB bisa jalan tuh…
> Cobain hello world class nya ajah pake console… jalanin pake vmargs ituh..
> bisa ato kagak..
> Gue sih bisa.. kagak pake ant yah…
> *Adelwin Handoyo**  |  Senior Consultant - Wholesale Bank*
> *Standard Chartered Bank*
> 7, Changi Business Park Cresent, Level 3. Singapore (486028)
> *T* : (65) 659 61395  |* **E*
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Ferdinand Neman
> *Sent:* Monday, April 05, 2010 4:28 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [JUG-Indonesia] Alokasi memory.
> Gw ada server, running on ubuntu 64 bit, mau jalanin aplikasi hello world
> :P
> Server spec (dari "top")
> Mem: 16404228k total, 4000540k used, 12403688k free, 3988k buffers
> Swap: 31206252k total, 4k used, 31206248k free, 3512516k cached
> Masih free 12 GB lagi.
> Tapi pas jalanin ant target dengan jvmarg seperti ini :
> <jvmarg value="-server"/>
> <jvmarg value="-d64"/>
> <jvmarg value="-Xms1500m"/>
> <jvmarg value="-Xmx1500m"/>
> Munculnya malah :
> run:
> [java] Error occurred during initialization of VM
> [java] Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified
> [java] Java Result: 1
> What the ... !!!
> Kalo gue turunin -Xmx1000m dia mau tuh... tapi tambahin 500m aja dia
> langsung gak mau jalan.
> I have 16 gigs in this stupid box !!!
> Ada masukan ???
> --
> Ferdinand Neman
> ----
> Developer Team Lead, System Analyst,
> System Designer and Solution Architect
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Ferdinand Neman
Developer Team Lead, System Analyst,
System Designer and Solution Architect

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