On 4/30/2010 2:58 PM, Wiyanto Ngasinur wrote:
> Hi master2 GC/JVM,
> Gue ada aplikasi Websphere portal server 6.1 jalan di windows 2k3 memory
> 4 gig. Settingan Xmx uda dimain2kan ampe mendekati 2GB. Makin tinggi
> makin cepet crash nih barang -_-.
> Berikut stacktrace nya :
> Pertanyaan utamanya : apa hubungan thread ama memory ????
> Nih server hampir mati tiap hari, bahkan malam2 jg bisa out of memory
> tiba2 ... Ada yg bisa bantu ? byk yg bilank upgrade ke 64 bit, tapi gue
> ga yakin jg. Ada yg bisa share settingan optimal JVM utk operating
> system windows 32 bit dgn mem 4gb, mungkin bisa dishare jg.
> thanks,
> Wiyanto


My application has a lot of threads and is running out of memory, why?

You may be running into a problem with the default stack size for 
threads. In Java SE 6, the default on Sparc is 512k in the 32-bit VM, 
and 1024k in the 64-bit VM. On x86 Solaris/Linux it is 320k in the 
32-bit VM and 1024k in the 64-bit VM.

On Windows, the default thread stack size is read from the binary 
(java.exe). As of Java SE 6, this value is 320k in the 32-bit VM and 
1024k in the 64-bit VM.

You can reduce your stack size by running with the -Xss option. For example:

java -server -Xss64k

Note that on some versions of Windows, the OS may round up thread stack 
sizes using very coarse granularity. If the requested size is less than 
the default size by 1K or more, the stack size is rounded up to the 
default; otherwise, the stack size is rounded up to a multiple of 1 MB.

64k is the least amount of stack space allowed per thread.

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