kali kali ada yang minat ke jepang ;)

Best Regards,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Xkinfosgx01  <v...@ridik.net>
To: hendrasyailen...@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 1:25:49 PM
Subject: Framework upgradation project_Permanent Position_Japan



Dear Hendra,

Greetings, We have urgent Openings in Japan for leading MNC bank thorugh System 
Integrator for Framework Upgradation with Java J2EE and Struts with .NET and 
VB.Net. Please find below JD 
Skills : JAVA, STRUTS, J2EE 
Now client is also trying to redevelop the Framework onto newer technologies 
like .net etc. 
The person has to do the Design for the framework and should be proactive in 
understanding mutiple technologies and their impact on current environment and 
do feasibility study, and solving other technical hurdles. Do impact analysis 
Incase the same engineer has both JAVA & VB.Net skills excellent, otherwise we 
can split the main skillset (i.e. JAVA + .NET) within the two engineers,and the 
other underlying skillsets will be as follows: 
Solaris / Linux 
Oracle / MySQL 
JBoss (4/5) 
Webservice & Socket programming. 
Knowledge of Visual studio 2008 & 2010 

Also the client is currently changing the platform to enhance functionality and 
bring down cost. 
for example: 
1. OS: Solaris----> Linux 
2. MW: Jboss 4.0.5---> Latest Version 6.xx 3. DB: Oracle----> MySQL 
Note: Wehave Multiple positions opening for this position so kindly refere your 
friends and Network. 
If Interested Please send me updated resume with 
Current Salary 
Expected Salary 
Notice Period: 
Relocation to japan: 
Please note resume without Salary and Relocation confirmation will not be 

Thanks and Regards 


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