On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 7:35 AM, roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > We want to store charm URLs in mongo-db that are agnostic whether
> > the series is specified or not. For example, in a bundle, a service
> > is free to specify a series in the charm name or not.
> That sounds slightly surprising. How do we plan to define what the
> bundle actually means?
> While having one or two types to represent the concept may be argued
> back and forth, there's an underlying concept that is important: one
> form is a loose wildcard that has to be resolved depending on context
> before being useful, and was originally designed to be used in command
> lines and the such, while the other is a more formal specification
> (must have a schema, must have series). Accepting the loosely defined
> form in a bundle seems surprising, even if it just means not having a
> series, given that deploying the bundle would hopefully be somewhat
> deterministic in terms of which distributions are being used.

This is driven by requirements from ecosystem and users where bundles
define a 'solution'. A mongodb-cluster bundle doesn't need to be updated
every time a new revision comes out, or even if a new series comes out. It
is a usable solution regardless. Bundles can be as specific as they wish to
be, however requiring them to define charms specifically reduces their
reusability and causes us to be less flexible.

We also have to worry about historical usage as we've always supported the
vague behaviour and many of the current of bundles take advantage of it.


Rick Harding

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