Here's the bug:

I just heard from Jorge Castro that Robert (the person who filed the
initial bug) is reporting that m1.smalls are going away even faster than we
expected.  This needs to get fixed ASAP.

We need to change the ec2 provider to request something else instead
(m3.medium is the closest analog, though slightly more expensive... but at
least it will *work*).  The problem is that we request an m1.small and
there aren't any, so things like bootstrap and deploy *just fail*.

Obviously we should also fix the problem with these actions simply failing
due to lack of instances (you can request from a different AZ in the
region, which may help... or just request a different instance type)... but
that's really a different bug.  An initial resolution should be to simply
stop requesting these increasingly rare instance types as our default.  It
leads to really bad first impressions of Juju.

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