On 20/03/16 22:44, John Meinel wrote:
>> ...
>> For the second bug, where a downloading % spams the history, it seems like
>> the easy answer is "don't do that".  For resources, we specifically avoided
>> putting download progress in status history for that very reason.  In the
>> future, it seems like it could be useful to have some mechanism to show
>> transient messages like downloading % etc, but status history does not seem
>> like the appropriate place to do that, especially given how it is currently
>> configured... and it seems way too late to be adding a new feature for 2.0
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> -Nate
> The one aspect here is that it has been a consistent problem, especially
> with the local provider, of people wanting to know why things haven't
> started yet. Being able to give them concrete progress is a huge boon here.

+1 But do we need to persist these transient progress messages. We can still
report progress to the user each time they run juju status, but why save such
data when its value is of limited or minimal value once the download of an image
has finished.

> I really think we want to be putting more status for machine pending
> progress. Now, as for 100 progress messages, it turns out the rate limiting
> on status updates means we can drop some of them. (we always get 100 events
> from LXD, but if we only update Juju with one every 1s, then we generally
> get a lot fewer if your download speed is fast.)
> But regardless, having genuine feedback as to what is going on outweighs a
> minor thing about having too much information in the backlog.

Why not have both? Report progress but not persist such data.

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