Thanks for the heads up Ian - we will adjust our scripts to accomodate.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:36 AM, Ian Booth <> wrote:

> See
> The order of the cloud/region and controller name arguments will be
> swapped.
> Old:
> $ juju bootstrap mycontroller aws/us-east-1
> New:
> $ juju bootstrap aws/us-east-1 mycontroller
> or now
> $ juju bootstrap aws/us-east-1
> Notice how controller name is optional. It will default to cloud-region.
> eg
> $ juju bootstrap aws
> Creating Juju controller "aws-us-east-1" on aws/us-east-1
> ...
> The only fallout I expect will be for folks like OIL who use scripts will
> have
> to tweak their scripts to swap the arguments. The bootstrap API itself is
> unaffected so Python client and other API users will see no difference.
> It's
> just a CLI change.
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