Gotcha. Though I will say that looks more like its a bogus comment about a
file that this isn't. But I see what you're doing.


On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 5:29 PM, James Beedy <> wrote:

> It's in the comments at the top of the gist.
> On Jun 20, 2017, at 10:31 PM, John Meinel <> wrote:
> This definitely sounds interesting.
> You included the layer python code, but not the "daemon.json.j2" file.
> Isn't that part of getting the networking config in place?
> John
> =:->
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 6:16 AM, James Beedy <> wrote:
>> On integrating docker and lxd deployed apps ...
>> My charm includes layer-docker, and exposes a simple api wrapping
>> docker-py to allow the charm to login to dockerhub, pull and run docker
>> images, and a few other standard docker ops. My dockerized apps talk to
>> elasticsearch, mysql, and redis, all of which get deployed via Juju in
>> production, but the developer envs don't have an easy time getting the
>> whole bunch up on their laptops due to some lxd <-> docker integration.
>> Today, I thought to deploy the mysql, elasticsearch, and redis to lxd aside
>> the docker containers on the same host for local development - I was
>> hitting a bump in the road getting the docker containers to talk to the
>> lxd, so I looked into how to set the default docker bridge, and came up
>> with this
>> 4a6be1812aea
>> ~James
>> --
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