
You have been a great member of the Juju community.  There have been
several occasions that you have helped me out and I really appreciate

+ 1 from me on promotion to charmer status!

   - Matt Bruzek <matthew.bru...@canonical.com>

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 9:31 PM, David Britton <david.brit...@canonical.com>

> Hi Charmers --
> Here you will find my application for inclusion into the charmers group.
> I have been using and developing charms for juju since the pyjuju days,
> while it was being renamed to juju from ensemble.  I have authored a
> number of charms (Some public, some just for personal use), and made
> significant contributions to many more.
> At my day job, I work for Canonical on the Landscape team.  This has
> afforded me the opportunity to work on those charms we use most to
> faciliate our products (apache2, postgresql, haproxy).  I have made a
> number of visible contributions to these from small bug fixes to large
> features.
> Our own charms (landscape-server, landscape-client) are maintained under
> the "~landcape-charmers" team, of which I'm a member.  We even have a
> separate project (landscape-charm) in launchpad for tighter control of
> our development process on our landscape-server charm -- these charms
> are both fully open source (GPLv2).
> We have a fairly extensive internal testing infrastructure for our
> landscape charms where we spin them up in different combinations daily
> (trusty, precise, multiple versions of Landscape, etc).  We do this all
> with "juju test" at an integration level.  We also have a full and
> comprehensive unit test suites for each of our charms.
> Recently, I desinged, implemented and now maintain (with much help from
> my fellow team members) the storage charm, and the block-storage-broker
> charm.  These charms allow other services to request, assiociate and
> mount cloud storage in a juju-friendly way.  I'm hoping to see wider
> adoption of these.
> I have contributed to the openstack charm collection in a number of
> ways, testing, debugging, contributing patches, etc.
> Past these charm specific contributions, I also test, file bugs and
> contribute patches back to other juju products (juju-deployer,
> charm-tools, charm-helpers, juju-core, juju-gui, ...) on a regular
> basis.
> Lastly, I am a heavy user of Juju, maintaining many of our teams
> internal services with it -- so I undersatnd the need to have charm
> quality and robustness.  I also am very aware of making sure full
> solutions work, not *just* individual charms.
> Here are some of the charms where I've made significant contributions
> (authorship-level):
>     https://jujucharms.com/precise/landscape-server
>     https://jujucharms.com/precise/landscape-client
>     https://jujucharms.com/precise/storage
>     https://jujucharms.com/precise/block-storage-broker
> Charms I've conrtibuted major changes to:
>     https://jujucharms.com/precise/haproxy
>     https://jujucharms.com/precise/apache2
> A couple larger MPs that I have authored:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~davidpbritton/charms/precise/haproxy/fix-service-entries/+merge/202387
> https://code.launchpad.net/~davidpbritton/charms/precise/apache2/vhost-config-relation/+merge/220295
> https://code.launchpad.net/~davidpbritton/charms/trusty/apache2/avoid-regen-cert/+merge/223990
> Feel free to ask me any questions, and thanks for your consideration.
> :-)
> --
> David Britton <david.brit...@canonical.com>
> --
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