For those of you looking for the bundle it is at:

Thanks to you and the Project Calico or sharing this solution, and
your contribution to the Juju community.

I saw the mail list stripped your bundle. You can also share your
bundle in LP and have it ingested by the charm store. The process is
documented at:


On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Kapil Thangavelu
<> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Cory Benfield <>
> Date: Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 4:26 AM
> Subject: [Calico] Project Calico and Juju Charms
> To: "" <>
> Hi everybody,
> I'm excited to announce that, after a fairly substantial amount of work, our
> first preview release of Juju Charms for Project Calico is available!
> Juju is a tool written by Canonical that makes it extremely easy to build
> and orchestrate complex services. One of its most powerful features is that
> it can combine with Metal-as-a-Service, another Canonical tool, to make it
> extremely simple to deploy OpenStack in a number of configurations.
> For the past couple of months we've been working on making it possible to
> build an OpenStack deployment using Juju that uses Calico to provide the
> OpenStack networking. Today marks the public availability of the first set
> of beta charms for doing just that. As of right now you can go online and
> get started with OpenStack Calico using Juju. It's never been easier!
> If you've already got a MAAS + Juju system up and running, you can get
> started right now. Attached to this email is the bundle we sent to the
> OpenStack Interoperability Lab. You should be able to drag and drop this
> bundle into your Juju GUI and immediately get OpenStack with Calico running.
> This particular bundle deploys OpenStack very densely, loading almost all
> the management services onto a single server, and using two more to act as
> compute nodes. If you want a more spread out deployment, feel free to edit
> the bundle: if you need assistance in doing that, please don't hesitate to
> ask for help on this list.
> If you're not familiar with Juju or MAAS and want to give them a try, you
> can find out more on the Juju website[0] and the MAAS website[1]. Both
> products are free and open source, and are absolutely worth checking out.
> The source code for the charms is available on Launchpad. The links are
> below[2-7].
> In the next few weeks we aim to get our modifications to existing charms
> upstreamed into those existing charms. We also plan to add our custom charms
> to the charm store, though that will require a bit more work. The eventual
> goal is that you will be able to install OpenStack with Calico seamlessly
> with Juju, making it easier than ever to simplify and scale your OpenStack
> deployment.
> Keep watching this space!
> Cory (on behalf of the Project Calico team).
> [0]:
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]:
> [6]:
> [7]:
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Antonio Rosales
Juju Ecosystem

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