# juju-core 1.23.0

A new proposed stable release of Juju, juju-core 1.23.0, is now available.
This release may replace version 1.22.1 on Thursday April 16.

## Getting Juju

juju-core 1.23.0 is available for vivid and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:


Windows and OS X users will find installers at:


Proposed releases use the "proposed" simple-streams. You must configure
the 'agent-stream' option in your environments.yaml to use the matching
juju agents.

## Notable Changes

  * New Support for Google Compute Engine (GCE)
  * Support for systemd (and Vivid)
  * New Style Restore
  * Improved Proxy Support for Restrictive Networks
  * New Charm Actions
  * New blocks and Messages.
  * Experimental: Service Leader Elections
  * Experimental: Addressable LXC Containers and KVM Instances on AWS and MAAS

### New Support for Google Compute Engine (GCE)

A new provider has been added that supports hosting a Juju environment
in GCE. This feature leverages the support for Ubuntu cloud-images that
GCE added late 2014. It uses Google's GCE API to interact with your
account there. API authentication credentials, as well as other config
options, must be added to your environments.yaml file before running
'juju bootstrap'. The different options are described below.

The basic config options in your environments.yaml will look like this:

     type: gce
     project-id: <your-project-id>
     private-key: <your-private-key>
     client-email: <your-client-email>
     client-id: <your-client-id>

The values in angle brackets need to be replaced with your GCE

'project-id' must identify a GCE project that already exists before you
run "juju bootstrap".  This means creating a new one through the
developer console (https://console.developers.google.com/project) before
bootstrapping Juju.  To make it easier to quickly identify in your GCE
console, we recommend that the name start with 'juju-' and that it
include the environment name you are planning to use.  You could also
use an existing project but we recommend against that if possible.
Using a new project will make it easier for you to manage the
environment's resources as well as to track the environment's cost and
resource usage.

'private-key', 'client-email', and 'client-id' are your GCE OAuth
credentials.  These details are associated with the 'service account' of
the GCE project you will use for your Juju environment.  For each GCE
project, a service account is set up automatically when you create
your project. Juju uses that service account to connect to the GCE API
and does so with the proper authentication scope.  After you have
created the project go to the following URL to get the
credentials to use in environments.yaml:

If you extracted the 'private-key' by hand from the GCE project json,
change "\u003d" to "=".


For more information please refer to

    and https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2#serviceaccount.

If the project's service account has any permissions problems go to the
following page to fix them:


The GCE API should already be activated for the project. It it isn't,
go to the following URL in your console:


Also see step 2 on


The following config options in your environments.yaml file are

    region - (default us-central1) The location to place the
    image-endpoint - (default https://www.googleapis.com) This is
           where Juju will look for disk images when provisioning a
           new instance on GCE.

All Juju 1.23 provider capabilities are available for GCE except for

### Support for systemd (and Vivid)

In addition to upstart, Juju now supports Ubuntu hosts using systemd as
their init system.

Support for systemd allows Juju to run on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet),
which is the first Ubuntu release to boot with systemd. This means you
can bootstrap Juju on a Vivid host. Note that the charm store
(jujucharms.com) only support LTS releases. You can develop and test
vivid charms in a local charm repository.

### New Style Restore

You can now restore a backup with the new 'backups restore' command,
which is more reliable and fast. New restore supports backups generated
with the deprecated Juju backup plugin and with the recently added 'juju
backups create' command. You can restore from a local backup file like

    juju backups restore [-b] --file <backup file>

Which will optionally bootstrap a new state server, upload a backup file
and restore it. The -b option will fail if there is a running state

You can also restore from a backup stored on the state-server:

    juju backups restore --id <on server backup id>

To obtain a list of the existing backups in the state-server you can

    juju backups list

### Improved Proxy Support for Restrictive Networks

A few of issues around HTTP/HTTPS and apt proxy support were fixed (Lp
1403225, Lp 1417617). Charm downloads from the charm store which could
not be completed due to connectivity issues are now retried every few
minutes rather than once every 24 hours. Proxy settings from the
environment (http-proxy, https-proxy, ftp-proxy, apt-http-proxy,
apt-https-proxy, apt-ftp-proxy, and no-proxy) are properly propagated to
all machines, and Juju agents use them for all external connectivity.
The juju run command also uses proxy settings when defined, as well as
debug-hooks and all hooks the a charm runs. You can specify one or more
proxy settings via environment variables (http_proxy, https_proxy, etc.)
or inside your environments.yaml. Other related proxies are configured
as needed (e.g. you can specify just http-proxy, and that will also be
used for https, ftp, and apt proxies).

### New Charm Actions

Juju charms can describe actions that users can take on deployed
services. These actions are scripts that can be triggered on a unit by
the via the Juju CLI (support for triggering actions from the Juju GUI
will follow soon). Schemas for each action are defined in an
actions.yaml file in the charm root, and conform to JSON-Schema. When an
action is invoked, passed parameters are validated against the
respective schema as explained in "Actions for the Charm author" at both
the API and the unit level:


CLI Actions are sub-commands of the 'juju action' command. For more
details on their usage, 'juju action help' has examples and further

The following subcommands are currently specified:

  * defined - show actions defined for a service
  * do - queue an action for execution
  * fetch - show results of an action by ID
  * status - show results of actions filtered by optional ID prefix

### New Blocks and Messages

You can now specify block message when you enable a block. For example,
you can add a message to 'destroy-environment':

    juju block destroy-environment "Don't destroy this environment"
    juju destroy-environment
    ERROR Don't destroy this environment

You can list the blocks enabled in the environment like so:

    juju block list
    destroy-environment=on, Don't destroy this environment

The Multiwatcher now has information about blocks. There is now block
client capable of switching blocks on/off as well as listing all enabled

### Experimental: Service Leader Elections

Services can now coordinate leadership among the deployed units using
Juju's service leader election support.

Charms now have access to three new hook tools:

    is-leader - returns true only if the executing unit is guaranteed
      service leadership for the next 30s
    leader-get - as relation-get; accessible only within the service
    leader-set - as relation-set; will fail if not executed on leader

...and two new hooks:

    leader-elected - runs when the unit takes service leadership
    leader-settings-changed - runs when another unit runs leader-set

When a unit starts up, it will always run either leader-elected or
leader-settings-changed as soon as possible, delaying only doing so only
to run the install hook; complete any queued or in-flight operation; or
resolve a hook or upgrade error.

### Experimental: Addressable LXC Containers and KVM Instances on AWS and MAAS

The Juju AWS and MAAS providers now support starting LXC containers.
The MAAS providers also supports networking on KVM.  Containers and
Virtual Machines will be given statically allocated private IP addresses
from the same subnet as their host machine. For example on MAAS you can

    juju deploy wordpress --to lxc:0
    juju add-unit mysql --to kvm:1

These two units can now talk directly on the private subnet.

Known limitations:

  * Amazon limits the number of addresses the containers an instance can
    have based on it’s size.
  * Statically allocated addresses are not released on container shutdown.
  * Container addressability does not survive a host reboot.
  * No public IP address is added on AWS, and we don’t yet support
    dynamic port mapping -- so you can not yet expose containerized
    services on Amazon.

## Resolved issues

  * Allow annotations to be set on charms
    Lp 1313016

  * Juju-backup is not a valid plugin
    Lp 1389326

  * Juju needs to support systemd for >= vivid
    Lp 1409639

  * Joyent provider uploads user's private ssh key by default
    Lp 1415671

  * Unable to bootstrap on cn-north-1
    Lp 1415693

  * Debug messages show when only info was asked for
    Lp 1421237

  * Juju default logging leaks credentials
    Lp 1423272

  * Juju resolve doesn't recognize error state
    Lp 1424069

  * Juju status --format=tabular
    Lp 1424590

  * Ec2 provider unaware of c3 types in sa-east-1
    Lp 1427840

  * Ec2 eu-central-1 region not in provider
    Lp 1428117

  * Ec2 provider does not include c4 instance family
    Lp 1428119

  * Allwatcher does not remove last closed port for a unit, last removed
    service config
    Lp 1428430

  * Make kvm containers addressable (esp. on maas)
    Lp 1431130

  * Fix container addressability issues with cloud-init, precise, when
    lxc-clone is true
    Lp 1431134

  * Dhcp's "option interface-mtu 9000" is being ignored on bridge
    interface br0
    Lp 1403955

  * Juju-1.23beta3 breaks glance <-> mysql relation when glance is
    hosted in a container
    Lp 1441811

  * Juju ensure-availability should be able to target existing
    Lp 1394755

  * Juju 1.23b4 vivid panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or
    nil pointer dereference
    Lp 1443541

  * 1.23-beta4 sporadically fails autotests
    Lp 1443440


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Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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