
In approximately two months, Xenial is going to be released. Once that happens, we are going to have three supported LTS releases: precise, trusty and xenial.

I know that there is some people that have both precise and trusty charms. However, if they want to move their charms to xenial, they are going to have to maintain not two, but three charms. And if we want to have the latest in all charms, then features and software versions would have to be backported all the way to precise, which may complicate things a bit more.

I'm wondering, would it be suitable for us to establish a process where a charm author decides to no longer maintain a charm in an old but supported release and just move that specific series charm to ~unmaintained-charms? I think it's better to start thinking on this now, before it gets too close to release time.

Happy to hear all your comments/suggestions on this.

José Antonio Rey

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