I just gave this presentation --> at an Openstack
meetup at puppet headquarters in Portland, geared around HA Openstack
production deployments. I wanted to update the team of the great news! It
was by far the best presentation I have ever given, which isn't saying
much, but.... peoples heads were turning in disbelief of what they were
seeing the entire time :-) Alongside my slides, I gave a live demo of the
load balancing of my juju deployed presentation in real time as the group
was accessing it. Following that, I scaled out my presentation by adding a
unit of `present` live. Also, I went out on a limb and live demoed a fully
ha test stack, adding a lxc unit of glance to one machine and removing it
from another whilst keeping quorum, and lightly touched on how the
hacluster charm works, and a bit on the concept of interfaces and deploying
from the juju-gui. There was a surprising amount of interest in Juju
following my presentation, a good amount of people had never heard of juju,
most of them seemed to be blown away by what they had just witnessed :-)

On that note, I want to thank everyone for the work you have all done to
get the Juju ecosystem/framework to where it is today. As nice as it was to
see my test stack preforming so well at the demo, its much more fulfilling
to know that my production stack is purring like a kitten too... no
downtime for 6+ months (since her production inception)!!!  Over the past 6
months, I have had some major issues that I have resolved, and with no
service downtime! To that extent, I may of ripped my stacks guts out and
then put them back in again... quite a few times.... with services running
atop her -- its nice to see I can do all of that and she still stands and
is able to recover and regain a healthy state.

Here are the ip addresses and repos for my presentation. For anyone
interested, you can login to the haproxy stats and see the traffic
generated! As a side note - I was able to spin this all up and present
using my charm dev amazon account --> HUGE +1 for the charm developer

haproxy stats:  --> un: admin, pw: password
presentation markdown: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/os-ha-meetup-present
layer present: https://github.com/jamesbeedy/layer-present

Thanks all!

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