On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 9:01 PM Mark Shuttleworth <m...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

>  juju set-model-defaults

I was mostly wondering whether we should have model defaults, or things
that that we'd set at a common level *without* the ability to set on a
per-model basis to keep things compartmentalised. Once
cloud/region/endpoint and credential attributes are separated from model
config, there aren't *that* many things that make sense to have common
across models.

Anyway, based on Nicolas's response and other discussions the dev team has
had internally, we'll go ahead with defaults with the ability to override.


>  juju set-model-config
>  juju set-controller-config
> Have we a strong preference for get/set names, or could we just use
> "model-config" and "model-defaults" as read/write commands?
> Mark
> On 08/06/16 18:41, Andrew Wilkins wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We're in the midst of making some changes to model configuration in Juju
> 2.0, separating out things that are not model specific from those that are. 
> For
> many things this is very clear-cut, and for other things not so much.
> For example, api-port and state-port are controller-specific, so we'll be
> moving them from model config to a new controller config collection. The
> end goal is that you'll no longer see those when you type "juju
> get-model-config" (there will be a separate command to get controller
> attributes such as these), though we're not quite there yet.
> We also think there are some attributes that people will want to set
> across all models, but are not necessarily related to the *controller*. For
> example, http-proxy, apt-http-proxy, and their siblings. I expect that if
> anyone is setting these particular attributes, they are doing so for *all*
> models, as they're operating within a private cloud with limited network
> access.
> Does anyone have a real, uncontrived use-case for configuring proxy
> settings on a per-model basis?
> Cheers,
> Andrew
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