It can probably be there as a recommendation until 2.0 lands, where it can be made a requirement.

On 07/05/2016 09:17 AM, Charles Butler wrote:
This has been on the list for > 1 month with a little activity. I'm
poking this thread to see if there are any remaining outliers that wish
to chime in.

Just a reminder: we have an open issue on the documentation to make this
formally accepted into the charm store policy. This will affect any new
incoming charms. Resources/terms are a 2.0 feature - should we wait for
the features to land as -stable, *then* make the policy update? Or do we
want to make this policy pre 2.0 so the policy verbiage is in place?

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 2:59 AM Mark Shuttleworth <
<>> wrote:

    On 27/05/16 01:00, Antonio Rosales wrote:
     > I think most software require acceptance of the License. Perhaps the
     > point here is weather the acceptance has to be active or passive. If
     > this is the intent should the policy state: Any software which
     > requires active user acceptance of a license or EULA has to have that
     > as a term on the charm.


     >> Any software which installs components from outside of a
     >> archive needs to represent that as a resource
     > Nice suggestion, this also massively helps with determining will my
     > charm run inside my restricted firewall. I have added your suggestion
     > to the issue as we discuss it to also track the suggestion there

    Yes, firewalls are the main driver of resources. More often than not a
    charm which tries to pull stuff from the internet randomly fails because
    of firewalls. We know the controller can reach the charm archive because
    "juju deploy" fetched the charm. So serving resources from the same
    place is much more effective.

    It also lets us slim down the charm itself in many cases, because
    bundled blobs just become resources, which means there is less to push
    and pull for every revision :)


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