
I think what I'm looking for here is consistency. Even using the lxd provider, 
you can't 'juju deploy myapp0 --to lxd:0' and 'juju deploy myapp1 --to lxd:1'; 
myapp0 and myapp1 will never be able to talk because the live on their 
respective host only subnet on each host. I think this would be a great place 
to make use of L3 tunnels to get from host to host. Hopefully this is what mark 
was hinting at :)

> On Aug 23, 2016, at 4:32 AM, Tom Barber <> wrote:
> James is also missing LXD Local :) Saves my dev cycles all the time and of 
> course networking isn't an issue. I also use LXD remotely but I just run a 
> cmd that forwards the ports I want to the host via IPTables so they are 
> exposed to the wide world. Of course its a manual step, but I find it very 
> useful.
> Tom
> --------------
> Director - Saiku Analytics Founder
> Tel: +44(0)5603641316  
> (Thanks to the Saiku community we reached our Kickstart goal, but you can 
> always help by sponsoring the project)
>> On 23 August 2016 at 12:29, Mark Shuttleworth <> wrote:
>> LXC/LXD should work everywhere, but *networking* to those containers is 
>> tricky. There is a dedicated team working on that problem, and we expect to 
>> ahve the ability to make and use LXC containers universally, soon.
>> The remaining constraint will be that some charms try to modify their guest 
>> kernel, and that of course will be prevented in a container.
>> Mark
>>> On 22/08/16 22:03, James Beedy wrote:
>>> Team,
>>> Question: What providers can Juju deploy LXD to?
>>> Answer: All of them.
>>> Question: What providers support Juju deployed LXD (juju deploy 
>>> <application> --to lxd:0)?
>>> Answer: MAAS
>>> Problem: Juju can deploy LXD to all of the providers, but Juju can 
>>> **REALLY** only provision LXD on MAAS. I get the impression that Juju is 
>>> broken when I deploy applications to lxd on any provider other than MAAS.
>>> Proposed Solution: Disable `juju deploy <application> --to lxd:0` on 
>>> providers which it is not supported.
>>> Thoughts?
>> --
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