Certainly Brian,

I'll assume you are working from a xenial+ system, I have not tried this on
any release prior to xenial.

$ lxc launch xenial test
$ lxc profile apply test docker

To see what this actually did, let's view the docker profile

$ lxc profile show docker
name: docker
  linux.kernel_modules: overlay, nf_nat
  security.nesting: "true"
description: Profile supporting docker in containers
    path: /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled
    source: /dev/null
    type: disk
    path: /dev/fuse
    type: unix-char

You'll see its tweaked the apparmor profile, added fuse support, enabled
nested security, and allowed some kernel modules. This is where I say it's
mostly functional, as there are some advanced docker features that won't be
available. Some FS options that may not work as well, and more things I
haven't actually dug my hands into.

>From here:

$ lxc exec test  /bin/bash
$ sudo apt install docker.io
$ docker run hello-world

On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 3:10 PM Brian Baird <brianlba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chuck,
> Very interested in launching layer Docker charms inside lxd.
> Please share the goods.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> On Sep 10, 2016 3:02 PM, "Charles Butler" <charles.but...@canonical.com>
> wrote:
>> TL;DR - we're changing from docker-engine by default to archive's
>> docker.io package.
>> This in most cases will be a minor change and won't require any
>> additional action on your part. But I wanted to signal to the community at
>> large for any consumers or potential consumers of layer-docker that the
>> default installation path is changing.
>> https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-docker/pull/78
>> I'm altering the default behavior of the installation which historically
>> pulled from the docker inc ppa and installed the latest "stable" release of
>> the docker-engine package.  The proposed change defaults to the '
>> docker.io' package coming from the Ubuntu Archive.
>> The upstream delivery has been somewhat problematic in our
>> Kubernetes efforts, as kubernetes currently targets docker 1.11.x - the
>> baked in orchestration bits in 1.12 can in some rare cases cause issues
>> during deployment.
>> This change however, has some really positive upswing results - namely
>> that the docker.io package when applied against a LXD container with the
>> 'docker' profile, will get you a mostly functional docker deployment inside
>> of LXD. It's not perfect, but with additional bugs, and effort from all us
>> as consumers, we can make this a winning story for users wanting to dev
>> locally on their laptop without eating cloud expenses.
>> If you're interested in this, I'm happy to send over instructions on how
>> to do this. Additionally, I'm happy to lead any coordination efforts of
>> the end user testing here, and will be happy to patch pilot any efforts to
>> make this a better story.
>> All the best,
>> Charles
>> --
>> Juju Charmer
>> Canonical Group Ltd.
>> Ubuntu - Linux for human beings | www.ubuntu.com
>> Juju - The fastest way to model your application | www.jujucharms.com
> --
Juju Charmer
Canonical Group Ltd.
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