'scuse the cross-post but I think you'll get a faster answer from
maas-devel. I'll start by asking if you've tried MAAS 2.0?


On 06/10/16 08:18, Daniel Bidwell wrote:
> I have a maas-1.9.4 with servers with 4 2T disks for data storage and a
> 120GB disk on an onboard controller for the system disk.  Maas is
> deploying ubuntu 16.04 on the servers.  Ubuntu 16.04 labels the 120GB
> system disk as /dev/sde, not /dev/sda.  In maas I can define the
> /sdev/sde disk as the system disk.
> juju bootstrap deploys the system and installs the OS on /dev/sde1 but
> fails to write the grub record to /dev/sde and leaves the disk
> unbootable.  The system fails over to booting from an ephemeral iscsi
> file system where I can examine the state of the machine.
> The disk is formated with a GPT partition table which grub will not
> write to unless I manually create a small partition as partition 1 with
> blocks from 34-2047 and the system partition as partition 2.
> This manual step really not acceptable for deploying from juju and
> maas.
> How do I get maas to deploy the system in a way that it will boot without 
> manual editing?

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