TL;DR there is a new testing tool for Juju and you should check it out at

Paraphrasing Netflix, "If you can't run chaos monkey in production you're
not really prepared to deal with failure". And it's true. It quickly
becomes a question of constraints if doing this sort of thing is actually
possible. Maybe it costs too much to scale out at this level, to provide
full HA with no SPoF in your deployment. And if that isn't something you
alone are  willing to pay for that is fair, but these are Juju Charms,
shared DevOps. Because of that we can share the costs and know that if we
do want to scale up, if we do demand HA services ensure that they survive
failures we can work with others to ensure the Charms are up to snuff. If
we're lucky the Charm already are.

But luck and production software are fickle friends, so how can we know
that our deployment will survive a real world runtime, or better yet, the
real world runtime that is production? Traditionally that has fallen on
individual Charm authors to test their software. Did they test the upgrade
from one version to another? Did they ensure that all the units could
survive reboot? And many other things. If you begin to feel skeptical that
each Charm you depend on has an author that is as paranoid as you are about
their  production deployment as your are about yours then you want a way to
verify, before deploying, upgrading or otherwise operating a new Charm.

We've felt skeptical too, we've wanted proof. Most people can never ask,
"Did this deployment work in Production elsewhere?". That is a function of
Juju and Charms, the elevation of deployment from custom wizardry to the
wisdom of the crowds. A Juju deployment can and should work for many
people, its test cases can and should be as rigorous as the most demanding.

We are not there today, but we're working on it and we'd love your input.
This project was introduced at the last Charmers summit and has come some
distance since then but is still pretty alpha. That is good and bad for
you. Today this isn't automatically gating access to the Charm store's
stable channel. Today this doesn't have a full suite testing all the
operations that Juju supports.

Tomorrow it can and will. With your help we're developing a testing
framework that automatically tells you how Charms and Bundles perform under
all sorts of adverse conditions. Do we expect everything to work when
machines and networks are failing underneath them? No, but, and this is the
most important part, we expect that for any of those failures the people
maintaining the Charms and upstream software should be able to derive
useful insights from this tool.

We call it Matrix (as in "welcome to the real world") and it can do things
like run automatic tests  on all the basic operation Juju supports, like
deploy, upgrade, and scale. In addition it can introduce random or fixed
failures on those deployments to both better understand how the software
works (and to improve the Charms) and to act as a gate to the Charm store.

We are interested in your feedback, it is still early days so you can have
plenty of input on how it works.

The Matrix Team.
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