I found that when I "juju deploy" the services, the status of the service
stuck at "(install) installing charm software" or other  strange errors.

ceilometer/0            unknown        allocating  1.25.9  12
ceilometer.cord.lab            (install) installing charm software
glance/0                maintenance    executing   1.25.9  2
glance.cord.lab                (install) installing charm software
keystone/0              maintenance    executing   1.25.9  3
keystone.cord.lab              (install) installing charm software
nagios/0                maintenance    executing   1.25.9  5
nagios.cord.lab                (install) installing charm software
neutron-api/0           maintenance    executing   1.25.9  6
neutron-api.cord.lab           (install) installing charm software
nova-cloud-controller/0 maintenance    executing   1.25.9  7
nova-cloud-controller.cord.lab (install) installing charm software
openstack-dashboard/0   error          lost        1.25.9  8
openstack-dashboard.cord.lab   hook failed: "install"
percona-cluster/0       maintenance    executing   1.25.9  4
percona-cluster.cord.lab       (install) installing charm software
rabbitmq-server/0       unknown
allocating                                                       Waiting
for agent initialization to finish

With the attached juju log in ceilometer, the following error is observered.

2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install ^MBuilding dependency tree...
0%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 0%^M^MBuilding dependency tree...
40%^M^MBuilding dependency tree... 50%^M^MBuilding dependency tree...
50%^M^MBuilding dependency tree
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install ^MReading state information...
0%^M^MReading state information... 1%^M^MReading state information... Done
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install error: connection is shut down
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install   File
"/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-ceilometer-0/charm/hooks/install.real", line 64,
in <module>
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install     CONFIGS = register_configs()
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install   File
line 136, in register_configs
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install     ceilometer_release_services())
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install   File
line 217, in ceilometer_release_services
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install     codename =
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install   File
line 74, in wrapper
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install     res = func(*args, **kwargs)
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install   File
line 340, in config
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py",
line 573, in check_output
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd,
2017-01-06 08:05:02 INFO install subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command
'['config-get', 'openstack-origin', '--format=json']' returned non-zero
exit status 1
2017-01-06 08:05:02 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation runhook.go:107 hook
"install" failed: exit status 1
2017-01-06 08:05:02 ERROR juju.worker.uniter modes.go:44 updating agent
status: connection is shut down
2017-01-06 08:05:02 WARNING juju.worker.dependency engine.go:305 failed to
start "uniter" manifold worker: "leadership-tracker" not running:
dependency not available
2017-01-06 08:05:04 ERROR juju.worker.uniter.filter filter.go:137 tomb:

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 5:26 AM, Mac Lin <mkl0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some update. I tried to remove all the relations and re-add, but the
> status remains.
> Then I tried destroy-machine, but when adding it back it reports:
> ERROR machine is already provisioned.
> I tried to recover it but failed. Trying to get another install.
> Revisting the bad juju status, most of the services are missing relations.
> I'm wondering if it's because the related service is not ready itself? e.g.
> most of the service is waiting for database - mongodb, but mangodb is
> waiting for agent init finsih. And what does the agent mean? the charm?
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 8:48 PM, Mac Lin <mkl0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is the content of juju-bad.log, result of "juju status" on my
>> server. Or please let me know what command should I gave.
>> It's difficult for me to try them out in ansible playbook. *sigh*
>> environment: manual
>> machines:
>>   "0":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: juju.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: 'manual:'
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>     state-server-member-status: has-vote
>>   "1":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: keystone.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:keystone.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "2":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: percona-cluster.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:percona-cluster.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "3":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: nagios.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:nagios.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "4":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: neutron-api.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:neutron-api.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "5":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: nova-cloud-controller.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:nova-cloud-controller.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "6":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: openstack-dashboard.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:openstack-dashboard.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "7":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: rabbitmq-server.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:rabbitmq-server.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "8":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: mongodb.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:mongodb.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "9":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: ceilometer.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:ceilometer.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>>   "10":
>>     agent-state: started
>>     agent-state-info: (started)
>>     agent-version: 1.25.9
>>     dns-name: glance.cord.lab
>>     instance-id: manual:glance.cord.lab
>>     series: trusty
>>     hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=8 mem=24112M
>> services:
>>   ceilometer:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/ceilometer-17
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: blocked
>>       message: 'Missing relations: messaging, identity, database'
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 19:39:55Z
>>     relations:
>>       amqp:
>>       - rabbitmq-server
>>       ceilometer-service:
>>       - ceilometer-agent
>>       cluster:
>>       - ceilometer
>>       identity-service:
>>       - keystone
>>       juju-info:
>>       - nagios
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>       shared-db:
>>       - mongodb
>>     units:
>>       ceilometer/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: blocked
>>           message: 'Missing relations: messaging, identity, database'
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 19:39:55Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: executing
>>           message: running install hook
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 14:53:31Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: started
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "9"
>>         open-ports:
>>         - 8777/tcp
>>         public-address: ceilometer.cord.lab
>>   ceilometer-agent:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/ceilometer-agent-13
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status: {}
>>     relations:
>>       ceilometer-service:
>>       - ceilometer
>>   glance:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/glance-28
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: blocked
>>       message: 'Missing relations: identity, database'
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 19:39:50Z
>>     relations:
>>       cluster:
>>       - glance
>>       identity-service:
>>       - keystone
>>       image-service:
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>       shared-db:
>>       - percona-cluster
>>     units:
>>       glance/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: blocked
>>           message: 'Missing relations: identity, database'
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 19:39:50Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: executing
>>           message: running install hook
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 14:54:12Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: started
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "10"
>>         public-address: glance.cord.lab
>>   keystone:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/keystone-33
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: blocked
>>       message: 'Missing relations: database'
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 19:38:39Z
>>     relations:
>>       cluster:
>>       - keystone
>>       identity-service:
>>       - ceilometer
>>       - glance
>>       - neutron-api
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>       - openstack-dashboard
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>       shared-db:
>>       - percona-cluster
>>     units:
>>       keystone/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: blocked
>>           message: 'Missing relations: database'
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 19:38:39Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: executing
>>           message: running install hook
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 14:55:09Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: started
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "1"
>>         public-address: keystone.cord.lab
>>   mongodb:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/mongodb-33
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: unknown
>>       message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 15:13:23Z
>>     relations:
>>       database:
>>       - ceilometer
>>       replica-set:
>>       - mongodb
>>   nagios:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/nagios-10
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: maintenance
>>       message: installing charm software
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 15:00:30Z
>>     relations:
>>       monitors:
>>       - nrpe
>>       nagios:
>>       - ceilometer
>>     units:
>>       nagios/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: maintenance
>>           message: installing charm software
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:00:30Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: executing
>>           message: running install hook
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:00:34Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: pending
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "3"
>>         open-ports:
>>         - 80/tcp
>>         public-address: nagios.cord.lab
>>   neutron-api:
>>     charm: cs:~cordteam/trusty/neutron-api-4
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: blocked
>>       message: 'Missing relations: messaging, identity, database'
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 19:38:45Z
>>     relations:
>>       amqp:
>>       - rabbitmq-server
>>       cluster:
>>       - neutron-api
>>       identity-service:
>>       - keystone
>>       neutron-api:
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>       shared-db:
>>       - percona-cluster
>>     units:
>>       neutron-api/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: blocked
>>           message: 'Missing relations: messaging, identity, database'
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 19:38:45Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: executing
>>           message: running install hook
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:04:12Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: started
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "4"
>>         open-ports:
>>         - 9696/tcp
>>         public-address: neutron-api.cord.lab
>>   nova-cloud-controller:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/nova-cloud-controller-64
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: unknown
>>       message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 15:03:03Z
>>     relations:
>>       amqp:
>>       - rabbitmq-server
>>       cluster:
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>       identity-service:
>>       - keystone
>>       image-service:
>>       - glance
>>       neutron-api:
>>       - neutron-api
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>       shared-db:
>>       - percona-cluster
>>     units:
>>       nova-cloud-controller/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: unknown
>>           message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:03:03Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: allocating
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:03:03Z
>>         agent-state: pending
>>   nrpe:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/nrpe-4
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status: {}
>>     relations:
>>       general-info:
>>       - percona-cluster
>>       monitors:
>>       - nagios
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - ceilometer
>>       - glance
>>       - keystone
>>       - neutron-api
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>       - openstack-dashboard
>>       - rabbitmq-server
>>     subordinate-to:
>>     - ceilometer
>>     - glance
>>     - keystone
>>     - neutron-api
>>     - nova-cloud-controller
>>     - openstack-dashboard
>>     - percona-cluster
>>     - rabbitmq-server
>>   ntp:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/ntp-14
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status: {}
>>     relations:
>>       ntp-peers:
>>       - ntp
>>   openstack-dashboard:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/openstack-dashboard-19
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: unknown
>>       message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 15:06:02Z
>>     relations:
>>       cluster:
>>       - openstack-dashboard
>>       identity-service:
>>       - keystone
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>     units:
>>       openstack-dashboard/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: unknown
>>           message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:06:02Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: allocating
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 15:06:02Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: pending
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "6"
>>         public-address: openstack-dashboard.cord.lab
>>   percona-cluster:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/percona-cluster-31
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: active
>>       message: Unit is ready
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 17:47:40Z
>>     relations:
>>       cluster:
>>       - percona-cluster
>>       juju-info:
>>       - nrpe
>>       shared-db:
>>       - glance
>>       - keystone
>>       - neutron-api
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>     units:
>>       percona-cluster/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: active
>>           message: Unit is ready
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 17:47:40Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: executing
>>           message: running install hook
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 14:56:46Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: started
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "2"
>>         public-address: percona-cluster.cord.lab
>>   rabbitmq-server:
>>     charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-42
>>     exposed: false
>>     service-status:
>>       current: unknown
>>       message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 23:06:51Z
>>     relations:
>>       amqp:
>>       - ceilometer
>>       - neutron-api
>>       - nova-cloud-controller
>>       cluster:
>>       - rabbitmq-server
>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>       - nrpe
>>     units:
>>       rabbitmq-server/0:
>>         workload-status:
>>           current: unknown
>>           message: Waiting for agent initialization to finish
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 23:06:51Z
>>         agent-status:
>>           current: allocating
>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 23:06:51Z
>>           version: 1.25.9
>>         agent-state: pending
>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>         machine: "7"
>>         public-address: rabbitmq-server.cord.lab
>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 7:32 PM, Rick Harding <rick.hard...@canonical.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Can you paste the relations part of the juju status output that shows
>>> those relations in place? Perhaps there's an issue with the charm logic and
>>> breaking and re-adding the relations might kick it into gear?
>>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 2:48 AM Mac Lin <mkl0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Really appreciate for the help. Have been stuck here for weeks.
>>>> AFAIK, no. I attached two result of "juju status" on CloudLab(good) and
>>>> my server (bad). It's supposed to work without expose the ports. And I just
>>>> noticed that on my server, most of the services are in blocked status. But
>>>> it seems the missing parts are fulfilled. For example, the ceilometer is
>>>> complaining missing messaging, identity, and database relations, but the
>>>> relation does exist.
>>>> Please let me know if any info needed.
>>>>   ceilometer:
>>>>     charm: cs:trusty/ceilometer-17
>>>>     exposed: false
>>>>     service-status:
>>>>       current: blocked
>>>>       message: 'Missing relations: messaging, identity, database'
>>>>       since: 03 Jan 2017 19:39:55Z
>>>>     relations:
>>>>       amqp:
>>>>       - rabbitmq-server
>>>>       ceilometer-service:
>>>>       - ceilometer-agent
>>>>       cluster:
>>>>       - ceilometer
>>>>       identity-service:
>>>>       - keystone
>>>>       juju-info:
>>>>       - nagios
>>>>       nrpe-external-master:
>>>>       - nrpe
>>>>       shared-db:
>>>>       - mongodb
>>>>     units:
>>>>       ceilometer/0:
>>>>         workload-status:
>>>>           current: blocked
>>>>           message: 'Missing relations: messaging, identity, database'
>>>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 19:39:55Z
>>>>         agent-status:
>>>>           current: executing
>>>>           message: running install hook
>>>>           since: 03 Jan 2017 14:53:31Z
>>>>           version: 1.25.9
>>>>         agent-state: started
>>>>         agent-version: 1.25.9
>>>>         machine: "9"
>>>>         open-ports:
>>>>         - 8777/tcp
>>>>         public-address: ceilometer.cord.lab
>>>> On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Rick Harding <
>>>> rick.hard...@canonical.com> wrote:
>>>> Has juju expose been run on the applications? The charm can declare
>>>> that these ports are the ones that are opened if exposed, it's not actually
>>>> set until the operator runs the juju expose command on the application.
>>>> On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 2:58 AM Mac Lin <mkl0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm running CORD master/cord-in-a-box.sh on an x86_64 server. The same
>>>> script on CloudLab has no problem.
>>>> If I log into each failed service(lxc), I could found the port is not
>>>> listened because service is not up, which is due to not configured
>>>> properly. The configuration files are mostly at its initial state.
>>>> How could I let juju to generate the configuration for the services
>>>> manually?
>>>> TASK [juju-finish : Wait for juju services to have open ports]
>>>> *****************
>>>> Saturday 31 December 2016  12:04:22 +0000 (0:00:04.738)
>>>> 0:09:13.981 *****
>>>> failed: [] (item={u'service': u'ceilometer',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 20, u'name': u'ceilometer-1', u'forwarded_ports':
>>>> [{u'int': 8777, u'ext': 8777}], u'aliase
>>>> s': [u'ceilometer']}) => {"elapsed": 1800, "failed": true, "item":
>>>> {"aliases": ["ceilometer"], "forwarded_ports": [{"ext": 8777, "int":
>>>> 8777}], "ipv4_last_octet": 20, "n
>>>> ame": "ceilometer-1", "service": "ceilometer"}, "msg": "Timeout when
>>>> waiting for ceilometer-1:8777"}
>>>> failed: [] (item={u'service': u'glance',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 30, u'name': u'glance-1', u'forwarded_ports': [{u'int':
>>>> 9292, u'ext': 9292}], u'aliases': [u'g
>>>> lance']}) => {"elapsed": 1800, "failed": true, "item": {"aliases":
>>>> ["glance"], "forwarded_ports": [{"ext": 9292, "int": 9292}],
>>>> "ipv4_last_octet": 30, "name": "glance-1"
>>>> , "service": "glance"}, "msg": "Timeout when waiting for
>>>> glance-1:9292"}
>>>> failed: [] (item={u'service': u'keystone',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 40, u'name': u'keystone-1', u'forwarded_ports':
>>>> [{u'int': 35357, u'ext': 35357}, {u'int': 49
>>>> 90, u'ext': 4990}, {u'int': 5000, u'ext': 5000}], u'aliases':
>>>> [u'keystone']}) => {"elapsed": 1800, "failed": true, "item": {"aliases":
>>>> ["keystone"], "forwarded_ports": [
>>>> {"ext": 35357, "int": 35357}, {"ext": 4990, "int": 4990}, {"ext": 5000,
>>>> "int": 5000}], "ipv4_last_octet": 40, "name": "keystone-1", "service":
>>>> "keystone"}, "msg": "Timeo
>>>> ut when waiting for keystone-1:35357"}
>>>> ok: [] => (item={u'service': u'nagios',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 60, u'name': u'nagios-1', u'forwarded_ports': [{u'int':
>>>> 80, u'ext': 3128}], u'aliases': [u'nagi
>>>> os']})
>>>> failed: [] (item={u'service': u'neutron-api',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 70, u'name': u'neutron-api-1', u'forwarded_ports':
>>>> [{u'int': 9696, u'ext': 9696}], u'alia
>>>> ses': [u'neutron-api']}) => {"elapsed": 1800, "failed": true, "item":
>>>> {"aliases": ["neutron-api"], "forwarded_ports": [{"ext": 9696, "int":
>>>> 9696}], "ipv4_last_octet": 70
>>>> , "name": "neutron-api-1", "service": "neutron-api"}, "msg": "Timeout
>>>> when waiting for neutron-api-1:9696"}
>>>> failed: [] (item={u'service': u'nova-cloud-controller',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 80, u'name': u'nova-cloud-controller-1',
>>>> u'forwarded_ports': [{u'int': 8774, u'
>>>> ext': 8774}], u'aliases': [u'nova-cloud-controller']}) => {"elapsed":
>>>> 1800, "failed": true, "item": {"aliases": ["nova-cloud-controller"],
>>>> "forwarded_ports": [{"ext": 87
>>>> 74, "int": 8774}], "ipv4_last_octet": 80, "name":
>>>> "nova-cloud-controller-1", "service": "nova-cloud-controller"}, "msg": 
>>>> "Timeout
>>>> when waiting for nova-cloud-controller-
>>>> 1:8774"}
>>>> failed: [] (item={u'service': u'openstack-dashboard',
>>>> u'ipv4_last_octet': 90, u'name': u'openstack-dashboard-1',
>>>> u'forwarded_ports': [{u'int': 80, u'ext':
>>>> 8080}], u'aliases': [u'openstack-dashboard']}) => {"elapsed": 1800,
>>>> "failed": true, "item": {"aliases": ["openstack-dashboard"],
>>>> "forwarded_ports": [{"ext": 8080, "int":
>>>>  80}], "ipv4_last_octet": 90, "name": "openstack-dashboard-1",
>>>> "service": "openstack-dashboard"}, "msg": "Timeout when waiting for
>>>> openstack-dashboard-1:80"}
>>>>         to retry, use: --limit @/cord/build/platform-install/
>>>> cord-deploy-openstack.retry
>>>> I tried to reset juju and lxc, but then it stuck at "Obtain Juju Facts
>>>> for creating machines"
>>>> sudo juju destroy-environment manual
>>>> sudo lxc delete $(sudo lxc list | grep ^\| | grep NAME -v | cut -d' '
>>>> -f 2) --force
>>>> --
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